Tsuihou Suru Gawa no Monogatari

Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2024
Despite being an interesting premise, the story is poorly written and all of the characters are major POS.

First off, Est was a white/support mage meaning no real offensive ability, their formation should have had a vanguard and rearguard that would have protected support roles. If they had done this, Est wouldn't have been injured in the first place.

Second, Athena had no tact when it came to expelling her 'best-friend"/childhood friend and a founding member of the party. A little honesty and genuine concern probably would have been better understood from someone considered a friend than the let's be really cruel to make sure he leaves. Then once things start going bad for them they don't reflect on how much Est really was doing for them since forever.

The elf character is just selfish and forgettable whose only reason to kick Est out was so she would have a better opportunity to spark a yuri romance between her and Athena.

Est remained obsessive with his former party long after awakening his powers and being a solid solo adventurer and creating his own successful party.

Finally, Daru the biggest POS of them all. He hides his true power which goes back to the vanguard/rearguard issue. He has the experience but doesn't use it to benefit the party until the girls are in trouble which now makes him the hero when he should be chastised for not bringing it up sooner. If he had taken the time he could have worked with Est and trained him to be in a better position to defend himself while still performing his support role. He does as little as possible to clear up the multiple misunderstandings with Est justifying it as Est has chosen to be angry but then goes out of his way to profess his belief in her in a intimate speech an action he certaintly didn't take to prevent Est from being kicked out. His actions speak way louder than his words and it seems like he will gladly accept his role as the head of a harem.

Since this is listed as complete, I'm going to finish reading it as the traslations come out, but unless a miracle happens, I can undestand the rating this has and the criticisms I've seen here.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
I read the comments, couldn't believe that this manga could be this bad. Speed read through most of it. Instantly gave it a 1 and put it into dropped. This stuff is borderline unreadable. Its like a big pool of misunderstandings and retarded people who either don't think or do anything - that tries to make the main party be good people but somehow makes them villains on every step, and the banished dude the bad guy, even thou all he does is like in terms with the situation he was put in.

As long as other mangas use the same "pool" of stupidity, at least its more or less in line with the story - like the stupidity was required for the story to even take place, otherwise if characters talked/used their brains - things would end up in like 5 minutes so barely a single chapters worth of content. So the idiotic stuff is used and we end up with something that we can "kinda hate read" as if you ignore the idiocies you still have a fun story. But in this thing if you ignore the idiocies, or remove them you end up either with nothing or with something worse.

Daru - basically a full fledged veteran who supposedly hides enormous power with use of some bracelet. Could help the kids from day one, but gives no fucks till party nearly break up and they banish one of them. Ten magically becomes the team mentor, teaches them all, as a close to 30yo dude falls in love with his ex-girlfriend look-alike who is supposedly 15, and even thou was supposed to not be interested in love he slowly creates a harem while also slowly creates a demon-lord enemy by how he basically manipulates Est.

Elf girl - basically an otaku inbreed who thinks about nothing else but her lesbian oshi. Finally pulls her ass out of the lazy ass gutter and tries to fight back to now end seem to be cooked dead, while dying she of course lovingly hopes Daru will save their sorry asses.

A rando dragon - don't give a fuck about her, bad-mouthed Est not knowing him well, then was ready to lose virginity to Daru, and after he helped her think properly will probably still try doing so

Blondie - for supposed childhood friend who cares for Est - nothing - like literally nothing she does shows her being his friend or caring for him. Its like she banished him cause his potential death in their party could put some blockade on her and she wouldn't reach their dream, so she banished him cause if he dies outside the party its no longer an issue for her. Never really cared for what happened to him, when she saw in what "power driven" hostile towards her state he was in, she didn't bother to even try to understand him, but Daru said a few words - bunch of total lies about her being a fucking saint goddess - and she instantly made "hearted eye" towards him.

Est - is like the only normal supposedly 15 yo kid. A bit of a nice-guy with a hard-on for his crush, but on every fucking possible step they basically mentally bully him. Later on he kinda starts to get to be a proper way aka not-a-nice-guy rage-hate induced.

Over-all this story seems like really a bad take of a mix between NTR and reverse-banishement. Everything seems to be hinting the Daru authors self-insert will end up in a love relationship with at least the blondie, and possibly all 3 if the cooked in latest chapter elf will somehow survive. Est will probably end up forced to look for a new love, and the fucking blondie will never learn that both elf and Est were in love with her, nor that her behaviour was pure evil and not a "close childhood friend" towards Est.

We will be presented with a ending in which the party banishing Est was a good thing, that it allowed all of them to grow up, we will find out that blondie never loved Est that she has always had a crush on Daru who she will find out or already did that he was the one who saved them ages ago. Est will realize that his crush was one sided, that the NTRing would happen anyway, and maybe find love among his new team.

Heck people spoilered that in other chapters or LN/WN Est will basically save their ass, but last moment the "Authors insert" will kill-fucking-still with of course a one-shot cause he would "brainwash" Est to take the girls to safety - so that Daru could show how bad-ass he is, and Est not.

TL : DR - Daru supposed MC is basically a grown up who does nothing till the only other male in the party is banished, then he proceeds to groom the 3 girls to become basically his harem. Main female lead is supposed to be Est childhood friend, cause she doesn't want him to die she fucking banishes him from party, completely ignoring the idea that with how he is, he probably will solo try to get stronger and thus die even faster. Which of course happens - just that story requires a villain - so Est survives by magically unlocking his OP buffer/healer powers.

Not recommended even if you want to hate read. Even the 1xxxxx doujinshi or any other NTR would be better to read in this things place.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2023
Youre coping so hard. Est was 100 percent a liability in the battlefield. The fact that Athena was a liability was obvious from the beginning since she couldn't protect Est even with his buffs. Banishing Est was the right choice no matter how you look at it. Est had to get stronger and Athena had to get stronger.
Did she become stronger? The answer is no.
Instead of relying on Est she now depends on Daru.

The whole story is contradictory:
  • They banish him in the cruelest way because of friendship but don't care about him after kicking him out
  • After Est has become OP they don't even think about reuniting with their friend but give their all to integrate a stranger into the party. Of course is has to be a girl to make the harem party complete. And naturally, she offers her virginity to Daru after he showed her the importance of teamwork. (pretty easy after teaming up with the other smurf character in the party, giving her the lame duck)
  • 2 out of 4 team members were already pretty strong but hid their powers resulting in Est almost dying
The banishing party has "good intentions" (because the author tried to make the story different) but they do exactly the same things a bad banishing party would do. This doesn't make their actions any better.

The most important point you have to realize (and the reason why most people hate this manga) is that the story is not about Athena or Est becoming stronger. It's all about the "tragic hero" Daru. He rises from a side character to the "hero" of the story, revealing some "shocking plot-twists" about his past and finally revealing his true power (of course all the girls fall for him). Neither Est nor Athena save the day but he does. The whole story is a Daru power fantasy. That's all that mattered to the author and that's why the story is designed like it is. The story is so superficial it hurts.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2020
I looked at a couple of chapters, and thought it was mid, but was surprised by the rating, so I just had to read the comments.

It's amazing how in the attempt of trying to be subversive to the genre, the author instead made accidental childhood friend NTR, and everyone a POS in the process, which is an amazing feat. Like, instead of creating the usual self insert, he threw that away and self inserted himself as Daru thinking it would be smart.

There are bad taste, erotic, gore-porn series that are awful and yet don't even manage to achieve this shit of a rating, this is truly one of a kind.

This is basically the story of a 30 yo hypocrite who banishes a 15 yo from the party so he can groom a 15 yo girl. I do not have the words.
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Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2018
This is my favourite comment section.

The people here that think following the guy that got kicked instead of sticking to the premise described in the description, would be better, is out of their minds. Interesting premise or the same shit over again? Uhhh I'll take the same shit over again. Then procede to complain these stories are all the same.

Anyway. What would have been a good premise and twist on the typical banishment genre, is wasted by the author's bad writing.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2020
The people here that think following the guy that got kicked instead of sticking to the premise described in the description, would be better, is out of their minds
You're missing the point. People don't dislike this because they want to follow the banished dude. They dislike it because they thought the banishers would turn out to be interesting people to center a story around, not self righteous hypocritical jerks with 2 of them being assholes smurfing on a newbie party, resulting in an NTR story of a 30 yo grooming a 15 yo.

It's 100% the bad writing, not on wishing the story was about someone else from the start.
Dec 9, 2023
This is my favourite comment section.

The people here that think following the guy that got kicked instead of sticking to the premise described in the description, would be better, is out of their minds. Interesting premise or the same shit over again? Uhhh I'll take the same shit over again. Then procede to complain these stories are all the same.

Anyway. What would have been a good premise and twist on the typical banishment genre, is wasted by the author's bad writing.
seem like you sum it up perfectly
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
many valid criticisms i didnt take into consideration b/c i liked that it looked like the author was trying to do something different
-some things i completely missed like Daru being a ephebophile, thinkin bout bangin a kid that looks like his ded as dish water ex

still for this to get a 3.95?
i've seen worse shit getting a 7 and up
i routinely see worse shit making the popular new series listings
many of which for seemingly no other reason than cute girl doing a thing or having a quirky trait (which becomes cute b/c its a cute girl doing them/ having said characteristic)
hell copy paste twins of Juuneme is sittin at a 8.95 that shits a 6 at best tf
i just dont understand
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2023
Characters like Daru are plenty, you can find them in many mangas, why they work while this one doesn't... because the very first meaningful thing he does is being a horrible guy to some innocent person and then the author doubles down and show us the story of the other guy and is a more interesting story, the going through feelings of revenge and then coming to terms with the situation is not common, either you have revenge plots or an MC too good to hate.

It would have being a lot better if they made the one that where kicked out a bad guy or killed him when he went to the cave... or they show a bit of remorse, Athena is just feeling like the victim, she is not remorseful nor has any of them actually apologize, specially now that the only reason why he was kicked out is no more... far too difficult of a story for this author
Mar 19, 2020
so i get what they were trying to do. Everyone is doing basically the same bannished from party mangas and it either leads to im living a slowlife and the banishers suffer, or i become the greatest and the bannishers suffer, or i was already the strongest but they didn't notice and the bannishers suffer.

This new take should make it feel fresh right? Instead im just kinda struck by how little creativity goes into japanese fantasy these days. The fights are completely pointless too, i feel like its just filler the same as all the rest. There are some good titles, but mostly everything is Im going to do this exactly the same way, and spice it up with this gimmick. there are probably hundreds of mangas out there that start out the exact same way like almost verbatim. "Were kicking you out of the party" "im breaking our engagment because you were bullying x girl " "I worked for a shitty company then i got hit by a truck and now im so strong that there's no point in even reading this because i will always win no matter what."

The twist isn't enough to make it interesting. but the rating probably is a bit too low. Im not sure why this on in particular was review bombed but i think this deserves a 5-6.
Apr 28, 2019
Honestly, the best thing about this manga adaptation is that unlike the wn the misunderstanding were cleared near the end.
Group Leader
Jun 26, 2018
but the rating probably is a bit too low. Im not sure why this on in particular was review bombed but i think this deserves a 5-6.
That's because you are seeing this majorly from a perspective of what has this story done to stand out from the rest with similar premises. The low ratings come from people who are judging it based on what it has set out to accomplish but failed to (which is everything).

The protagonists of the party that banished Est are supposed to be the good guys who were forced to make a cruel decision for the sake of their friend and now have to push forward without him, but the author did not understood the implications of what he wrote and ended up making the party be a bunch of hypocrites without intending to.

Every single member of that party could have saved Est if they were more competent or cared about him - it is the front line's job to crowd control and prevent enemies from reaching the back liners, but Athena and Daru failed at their job and that led to Est being injured, while both Daru and the annoying loli lesbian elf were hiding their true strength all along. And yet, the reason they give for banishing Est is merely the party blaming Est for their failings in protecting the White Mage.

And the author doesn't understand why this paints Est as unjustly kicked out and the party as a bunch of dicks, so he proceeds to remedy the poor ratings by attempting to make his characters more sympathetic, making them the underdogs and Est the antagonist. That also backfires because the author still doesn't understand what the main issue with his writing is, so he only ends up making Daru look like an NTR bastard who wants to steal Athena from Est and rub it in his face (the guild scene).

And making Stardust be the underdogs doesn't make them more sympathetic, it just feels like they should have seen it coming from a whole planet away, since they kicked the guy that buffed the entire team and managed their items, finances and food! They kicked out the guy that was carrying the whole team in and out of the dungeons, of course they would be eating dust now!

And yet again the author shows he doesn't understand what he is writing by making Daru praise Athena at every chance he gets, trying to get the audience to see how good of a leader she is, saying she cares about her friends more than anyone else and she makes good decisions, how strong she is and how much potential she has to be even stronger! And yet, all we see is her being an idiot, nearly getting her supposed best friend killed twice, refusing to reach out to him to understand why he's suddenly turned into an asshole, we see her getting her ass kicked by common mob enemies because she can't fight properly without buffs, she keeps reaching out for Est whenever she's cornered and she spends month unable to get the new party member to act in synergy with the team!

If you forget about all other stories with similar premises and analyze this one in a vacuum, this one deserves to have the low ratings it has! It is a 3/10 through and through!
Sep 1, 2019
Is the manga so bad that it got 3 score? The score is so low that i have to check the comments first beforehand
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2019
Yet another banisher story where banishers are "good guys", is it so hard to make them assholes (being competent at fighting is ok) that get redemption arc by learning to do everything that the banished guy did for them and starting to appreciate him more (and their guilt weighting down on them more too) as the story goes.

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