Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru. - Vol. 14 Ch. 111 - Final Chapter

Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Thanks a looooooot for all your work to finish this series ! It was an heartful manga and I'm really happy I was able to read it thanks to your translation ! See you someday somewhere :D !
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
That was quite a journey! Overall I really liked it but I'd be lying if the stuff with Moriya right at the end didn't put a sour taste in my mouth. Takae passed on (which is good) but it was over something fake? Blegh. I was REALLY hoping that part would've happened when Mai held a private (and early) wedding rehearsal or something.

At least Mai ended up good and her dad found a new hobby.
Aggregator gang
Dec 16, 2019
A profoundly impactful manga, one that moved me to tears on several occasions funnily enough, and yet left me grappling with conflicting emotions, especially regarding its conclusion. I will yap a little bit, ignore this message since it's not that deep anyway.
I personally disliked, no, hated the ending. Picture this, the author(s) dangle a thread of hope before us, only to mercilessly unravel it just a few chapters later, repeating this cycle of dashed hopes until the very end. It's akin to being teased with a flicker of light in the darkness, only to have it snuffed out again and again. As one of the characters said in the manga, readers want hope. We seek refuge from the harsh realities of our world by reading books or doing things that we like doing, we do not want a constant reminder of its cruelty even in our free time.
However, the messages that this manga sends you -- disregarding the controversial topic it might have brought with its age gap -- time, is the real deal. We just don't have enough. Or, to look at it in a different way, we have exactly as much as we need but it's not guaranteed that we'll use it correctly. It's never too late because we don't know what too late is but it will be too late if you put everything off until tomorrow.
My judgment of the ending is undoubtedly biased, colored by personal experience. I harbored a genuine desire for our protagonist, Nijima, to find the happiness that eluded me and countless others. I wanted him to obtain happiness that I, or many other people in real life could not obtain. At the very least wanted a fictional character to be happy, can you believe that? But well, you realize that the characters are pretty engaging if you somewhat resonate with them, or understand them. Sure, while some may argue that Nijima has already achieved happiness, in my eyes I perceive him as a tragic figure trying to look strong in front of others while suffering in silence.
I liked the manga overall. I just despise the ending, that's all.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
Thank you so much! Thank you for the lovely notes at the end too @DaichiNishihara

This has been a very rounded, well-written work. If you didn't mention the author being a man, I wouldn't have thought so. Such sensibility is rare!

Thank you for finishing and concluding this beautifully.
Double-page supporter
Oct 3, 2023
Well... That was all! Tysm for everything and I hope you liked my TL :) I hope my redrawing skills weren't so bad either, here I'll leave a pic. about the most troublesome rd I had to do in all of this series.
I said all I had to say in the last page. Hope I didn't miss anything and... yep, see ya!
Thank you, truly. I found this manga several years ago, on a different site and many conflicting translations. Since then I had to wait for months for a new release, or find that it had been dropped again. But now it is over, a beautiful bittersweet ending that is life. Thank you for your diligence and drive to complete a piece that was near and dear to me. Thank you, and have a good rest.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 14, 2023
In the end, the author stayed true to his word and didn’t take the easy way out. Go back to the chapter where Renji’s grandmother talked honestly about how she continued on after the passing of her husband. That was not just a foreshadow of what was to come, but it was one of the most important messages of the story.

I can look back at this story and count it as one of the best that I’ve read. It touched me on a personal level and I’ll be thinking about it for a long time. Thank you also to the translators who made it possible for us to read this. Your hard work was greatly appreciated.
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Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2020
Dex-chan lover
Dec 15, 2019
I'm really glad that Keisuke has stayed true to himself and the love of his life, while Moriya proposed the trick to atone for her harsh words said to Takae and, hopefully, found her very own love of her life.
And, of course, a big thanks for the translation of this manga, mr. DaichiNishihara and all the previous translators.
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Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2018
I'm so glad it ended well 😭 and everyone moved forward and are happy

I cried when I saw marika and chika happy and well

a somewhat funny yet degenerate joke came to me when I saw mai and renji's kid lol regardless but I am so, so happy for all of them.

this manga is truly a 10/10. it stayed true to itself.

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