Hmm, I still think the best way for this to end is for the family to move on without the mom. I feel like she came in to give them a push in the right direction and ended up becoming a crutch. They really need to learn how to be happy without the mother in the picture, because the fact of the matter is she died. Yes she was reborn/reincarnated/whatever, but that’s not an excuse for them to just stop trying to get better without her. It’s not fair to guilt a kid into a life chosen for her (nor is it fair to anyone in her life or their life). The Co-worker is a nice person and would be great with the dad. The dad needs to learn how to interact with his daughter healthily without the mom and the daughter needs to learn how to live a healthy successful life without being told by her mom. I love to agree with the Mother here; the dad SHOULD have actually done something to improve his life and learned how to interact with his daughter. Just like the daughter should have learned ro improve her life and interact with her dad without her mom. I get it, when the mom died their left fell apart, but they should have learned to pick up the pieces without her around. I hoped the mom coming back would be a push (and then she would leave to live her own new life and let them continue as if she died). The longer this goes on, the less chance this series has of any character growth or an overall theme, and it turns into a generic story with some drama here and there and no good ending in sight. So far the characters has remained stagnant (except maybe the coworker that’s gotten bolder on her); the dad and daughter haven’t changed since the beginning, they’ve just reverted back to how they were before the mom died because the mom’s back. At the very least the end of this chapter feels like the dad is finally going to make a move to connect with his daughter on his on because of what the mom said (WHICH IS WHAT I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR ALL THESE CHAPTERS; A PUSH NOT A CRUTCH), so maybe it’ll get better from here and we get a realistic wonderful story about a family that finally learns to move on from a death. I really don’t want this story to go down the route it seems to be on, because then it becomes “its okay to never move on from the death of a loved one and learn how to stand on your own as a family without them, because there’s a chance they might come back as a little girl and it’s totally okay to marry her in 10 years and repeat your whole life, because character growth is for wimps”.