@LoupDeGarou Doesn't matter. If Spanish scanlators and latin american fansubs can keep doing heavy edits for special effects on visual and audio media while also keeping in tabs with mangas then I don't see a reason why I shouldn't see spanish scanlators with more frequency than english as I generally do, but always try more than just one language like french or italian who like spanish also have a niche with great fucking exposure with no "fear" of supposed and unpursuited repercussion, those I know who LOVE the industry platonically even when they don't have the money nor the means to support it while still publishing it even when they don't travel to the country as often nor are exposed to as often as the english speaking demographics when only few in the others are still niches makes them more respectable than well stablished and legal platforms that show these forms of media while failing to up their showcase in the culture, this industry like gaming was founded and grew on private streamings and piracy and practically hasn't moved on from those tenets but made use of them for them to be marketable because intellectual property is a right, a good move in general until you realize your market is still really fucking niche from a customer's expenses standpoint.
No dignity, you don't know the context of what I know so of course you would think its irrelevant. I would invite you to get to know a little bit more but I know you don't care, so I don't mind your response nor see it as valid tbqh.