Uchi no Ko no Tame naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamo Shirenai - Vol. 6 Ch. 31 - Young Girl, Telling the Youth of her Shackles

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
If you care, the prophecy is that she will become one of the ruling demon lords, specifically the one who's seat has been vacant, so the ones who took control after their death put a kill on sight order out for latina, too bad for them that she was found by the one human who can fight demon lords, though that's not the limit of his power.

Honestly i wish translators would keep their politics out of stuff like this, left or right, it just brings arguments into something that doesn't need it, fyi i agree with you but still it's getting tiring seeing this, dropped a manga or two when they went way too into the communism deep end.
And before someone says it, yes i know translators are people too, but why does everything have to involve politics these days, it's not like manga usually takes a political stance on it's own, nor should it.
Mar 11, 2018
@cozfub Are you trolling? People wanting to be treated fairly is far from terrorism. If they cause you to fear that's likely because you have something to gain from keeping equality from them.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
@starburst98 halfway through your comment i thought that you were going to say Latina is going to become the new demon king (or queen) and then Dale has to kill her
Jul 3, 2018
for me, it's screwdrivers with the cheapest vodka and orange juice possible. cute chapter
also im not a furry but...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Oh, hey, they touched interspecies... Well, since they have descendants, I guess is interracial?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2019
all you clowns complaining about politics need to stfu

Everything is political
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Tatsuya-Kai I think the politics of this particular manga are pretty clear: They're decidedly anti-racist. I don't see what other interpretation you could put on it; you've got an MC who is a member of a feared and hated race but is good and sweet-natured, and significant events revolving around her being persecuted unjustly for that race, and ass being kicked on her behalf while arguments for just letting it go are shredded. Now in this chapter we're hanging out with beastfolk and being accepting of racial mixing.
Soooo, yeah, anyone like @cozfub who reads this and simultaneously denounces Black Lives Matter is seriously missing the point and should maybe find a different manga now that they realize this one is completely against whatever nonsense they stand for.
Sep 18, 2019
RULES 3.2.7 Adding extra page(s) to chapters for the purpose of crediting scanlators or translation notes is generally OK. Extra pages which contain extraneous political content, agendas, propaganda, commentary, race-baiting or content that could be construed as offensive may be removed by staff.

All content about BLM is against of our community rules. 😡
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

That rule does not say its against the rules to post them, just that staff have the right to remove them, meaning that its ok as long as the staff dont take offence too it.
If this was something taken up in a court it would be up for the juge and jurry to decide by chase by chase basis.
Its just a matter of how big of a deal you make off it.

Also pretty much everything is political and everybody have an opinion at some level, this manga for example is likely written by a anti racist author if you look at the content of the story.
Personally i would have been ok with this as the page does contain other things then just the political wiev of the scanlators and its not too offensive, but again im not staff so....
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
@Tatsuya-Kai the politics is in manga content and not translators put in, and not related to some rl event right now so don't think too much about it
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

it is actually relevant to the story if you look at the big picture, but yeah its being blown out of proportion for no reason at all really.
your picture really fitting btw xD

people are just being way too sensitive right now for some reason.....
The main message of BLM is/was to lessen violence against black people out of prejudice.
Something im fairly confident to say most people whold say is a good thing.
The problem here that makes people buthurt is that BLM as a political movement have started arguing about other things as well.
And everything is not nearly as clear cut of a positive influence as other things they preach.
That and extremists is any group is always a point of contention if they start using less favourable means to get their interests across...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
@Goldenzeal tks :D but that's me facepalm myself most of the time
coinciden that artist release this chapter recently(well corona), but again a lot of isekai manga have similar context that become unknowingly accept just to satisfy their desire
Aggregator gang
Jan 19, 2018
@SomeGuy1 Really? Could you explain how genetics between beastmen and merfolk having children with humans work? Is there a god that decides how children of mixed-species parents end up looking?

Or do you suppose the genetics in this HIGH FANTASY setting with literal MAGIC and actual GODS behaves differently than in real life?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
Uchi musume is Anti-racist?
I mean yeah it is, but i don't see how that correlates it to BLM, which is definitely not anti-racist, BLM has gone out of it's way to villify other races but especially white people, this is why there are literal race riots going on currently in cities like chicago between the latino population and the black population, putting irl politics into a story that has literally nothing to do with modern issues is quite improper, especially at a time like this when tensions are high and some people think we are in the early stages of civil war.

Point is, most people read manga to get away from things, not have them brought up when they are just trying to enjoy some off time.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Tatsuya-Kai . . . aaaand, that's why so many of the protests are totally mixed-race? I'm sure you're convinced of this, but this kind of notion is put about by people who are desperate to believe something of the sort, not by people interested in the truth. If you put your faith in alt-right memes (note: in the original, broader sense) you are being suckered. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
As to the applicability of stories to the real world . . . stories are always about the real world. Doesn't matter how far out they seem, consciously or unconsciously (and this one seems pretty goddamn conscious) real world issues are being worked out or at least reflected. I think to the contrary, it is quite improper and rude to belittle a story by claiming it is irrelevant.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
So because i don't like a domestic terrorist organization burning down cities and killing innocent people i'm alt right?
Also i don't consider people kneeling before black people because of "perceived wrongdoing", which white people haven't done for at least 50 years, as a good argument, i see them as borderline brainwashed.
Sigh, trying to keep my annoyance with your foolishness aside, you do know what this leads to don't you?
This same exact kind of thing happened in 1920's germany, russia before the bolshevik revolution etc.
You "anti-fascist" fascists need to realize you are what stalin called the useful idiots, tools used by those who seek power to gain said power, then once they gain what they want, you will be lined up along the wall along with us who wanted nothing to do with it.

This is a comments section, not a political discussion board, so i have said my peace, however you might want to learn your history and realize that setting this country up for a collapse by your own hands will only lead to you and your own brutalized in the process, history repeats as they say, but i doubt you'll listen.
I've said what i wanted to say, and i still say bringing politics into a manga is a terrible idea unless the manga was made that way, which uchimusume wasn't, but it's not like you'll listen, go on, keep calling me alt right for not being on the side of communists.
May 19, 2018
Please keep your political discussion off chapter comments.
If you're so keen on discussing about it, go and do it there instead: https://mangadex.org/thread/260818

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