Well, that took a turn a should have expected 😂
Now I’m thinking of when Y-Love was a guest on OMGWTFBIBLE. It went interesting places. I think it was parasha Bo? Snakes eating snakes... yeah.
Neither Moshe or the sorcerers had any reason to be circumcised 😝
Anyway, it’s hilarious.
Some drash I’ve found:
I go to a Conservative shul, and one of our rabbis is openly gay. Iirc the Rabbinical Assembly says the Leviticus shenanigans is that it’s referring to a type of ritual prostitution allegedly practiced in ancient, pagan Palestine. There’s something kinda like that in Deuteronomy I think? I got hung up on how the Targum deals with deut 22-23 so I was all “later for that”. Onkelos seems to think that’s about women going to war and the reverse, and a war (which never happened as described irl) is about to be waged. Not about cross dressing.
The Talmud only ever spoke against lesbian sex as a “fence” because it’s not mentioned ever in the text.
Rashi always seems pick the most chauvinistic interpretations in contentious areas. Jewish cishet men are the best, it seems. Also his font looks like Klingon and I hate it.
As you can see I’m really queer, really Jewish and I have a LOT of free time! 😂 😂