@Foxgood The anime community isn't exactly well-known or liked for it's inclusiveness or open minds.
@trapsarebetter Ideally, yes, people would just rate it based on quality. But the reason such a dichotomy exists and things like this get the 10s and such is because people dropping 1s due to bigotry or being general pieces of shits aren't counter-acted strong enough with low scores. So it becomes something where even if the manga isn't the greatest, a 10 is a sign of support and a balance against people who get their panties in an uproar at gay people existing. Imma bet 9/10 of the people giving this 10s don't actually think it's a 10. Imma bet 10/10 voting it a 1 do think it is tho.
On the other hand, it's a fucking manga score on a website full of weebs. Who fucking cares if it's not an accurate score.
Meanwhile this manga is cute mostly because the mom is a really good mom; she's supportive and kind but even if she realizes it she is letting him come out to her on his own because coming out is a really big thing for a gay person even if everyone already knows. She's incredibly supportive.