@mendics You don't want to create drama, even as you try to.
To be super clear, even though I feel I have been in all the places I posted about this: there is no beef between us and smiley. We asked that he leave us mangadex, and he agreed, even though he could have disregarded our request and done it anyway, and we'd just have to accept it then. But he generously agreed, expressing he liked reading our version, and didn't want his version to hurt ours.
For the readers, this was also a great compromise: you get to read whichever version you want. Ours here, his on facebook or wherever else he wanted to post. It was a no lose situation. The world gets translations fast and gets translations done more deliberately.
This uploader upended that and you know now that we are contemplating stopping, which has some people upset but I think anyone could understand why, if few will bother to read it a second time.