Urami Koi, Koi, Urami Koi - Vol. 9 Ch. 44 - You Should Talk with the Rat, but Fight with the Horse (Part 1)

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
Finally! I guess whatever happened, the status quo will break.
Miyako just need a head pat from her brother.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
I never really felt the Geass similarity until right now.
Jun 16, 2018
Seems like this will be one of those things where no one is the winner/loser. They'll somehow tie but things will still change just a bit so everyone is happy.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
Who would be destroying the Rat tho, they already dealt with the Rabbit and the Tiger, Ox and Dog mostly support them and I believe Monkey as well, they could probably get Horse to protect them if necessary and they've already dealt with two non-clan grudges (the Cat and the Ferret or w/e that guy was). If they legit pissed off that many people that this still wouldn't be enough it's a miracle they haven't been overthrown before now, unless the idea is that they only started being assholes when grandpa dude became boss at which point grandpa dude sucks even more.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
@Absum You probably forgot about Execution of Enforcement (the absolute command), which is almost a cheat device. If it's doesn't work, they got Ashen Iron (the giant sword). And Goichi actually manage his dictatorship with the usual recipe: fear of the leader, which sadly (or fortunately) Miyako doesn't really has. The reason why even with all of this, and Goichi still can be killed, still a mystery.

Then again, looking at the first part of this chapter, gramp might actually not a total evil. Maybe he just tried to unite the clans using his own way, and he just killed before he finalized his mission. We'll just see.
Jan 18, 2018
@NightSide gramp already acchive his main goal, stopping human sacrifices rite to yokai. that's maybe also the reason yokai make their move.

in the tiger flashback, it's already noted he grateful nekuni gramp can done something that not even his generation can do.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
@kuma Yeah let's stop the sacrifices by killing a bunch of other people and making the climate a hostile one, such a martyr
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
Its amusing how people are obviously missing the point.

The Zodiac clans seem to have a deal with the God of the Land they keep the Yokai from entering the city and going on a rampage, we seen what Ox did when she turned into a Yokai ... you think the Oni we seen are any different? We dont know the specifics but the Cat is a member of the Zodiac and they seem to been expelled but that seem to been generations ago and not a recent event.

So yes, the Rat Clan as leader had to make decisions that arent exactly pleasant but hey, apparently the Yakuza are just normal people that commit no crimes and just say NANI? and ORA! ORA ORA! a lot right? the hammer come down to the Tiger Clan because they were YAKUZA and they were told to stop that and what did they did? they tried to kill Goichi ... that is why they were destroyed.

The Horse "equality" is idiotic, how exactly would that change the outcome of the Tiger Clan? should they be allowed to continue to commit crimes?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 26, 2018
Hmm, this is turning out interesting. Like, you can see good reasons why the Masaka oppose the Nekuni now, even if there were good reasons for some of the Nekuni previous leadership's heavy handed and borderline dictatorial methods - and more importantly it's palpable that most of the characters have their biases or are not really operating with omniscient perspectives for their feelings on this conflict.

It may sound small, but that you can look at the sides of most of the people directly involved in this battle and see both good arguments and complicated feelings that make either their difficulties or their goals sympathetic, that's good, I think. I don't believe Miyako is going to be as ruthless as her grandfather was, and most of the big things that he used his power to achieve are already buried at this point; but I can see how, now that there's a chance to do something about it on the terms that apply to everyone, Masaka-senpai feels like it's an upheaval that has to be pursued out of principle.

Koichi's slight daftness in regards to his sister's lonely struggle about this isn't even hard to understand; he's been a pariah for years and his sister, despite very different temperament, has aspired to a difficult position both out of being closer to her grandfather in a way, and not wanting to burden her brother, even though those two could never agree - so of course he wouldn't see how exactly it undermines the Twelve Clans's status as a whole rather than merely the absoluteness of the Nekuni, and of course his sister would feel hurt and alienated because she feels like her hard work and her commitment are being discounted so easily, even by Koichi himself. He's realized that now, but that's not going to make everything okay.

I find it all decently complicated, and it makes me more attached to the characters. There are sensible points to the questioning of dictatorship from the Nekuni, especially with so much cropping up, and a lot of well-worn grudges, but there are also complications and consequences that make it a not obvious decision, especially since the person responsible for so much of this infamy is no longer present.
Jan 18, 2018
@beperov those pople is criminal already. as stated even horse previous leader can't do something about it. grandpa know it himself the best. he sacrifice himself as kind of necessary evil and he does hope one day someone will overthrow him after he done cleansing. and in fact, he is retreated after done with his goal, but too bad, kyouichi parents get killed because someone who probably close with nekuni family got escaped because grandpa empahty that bite him later on make his distrust down even lower.

tbh, i also don't like what grandpa do, but it is necessary to not forget what his motive.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
"We have to keep being oppressive assholes so we don't get a new asshole reamed in us by the people that we were assholes to."

I don't feel one fucking iota of sympathy for the Nekuni. It'd be one thing if they had the mantle of leadership or authority and were backstabbed, but virtually every-fucking-body knew that Goichi made his reign "peaceful" by building it on top of a pile of dead fucking bodies of people that dared to oppose him. When you start pissing off that many people, your retribution is just kinda earned. And now it's just come time for the Nekuni to pay it back with interest. Is it fair? Not really, Miyako and Kyoichi didn't decide to do it (but it doesn't really help that Miyako takes after her grandfather as much as it does). But it's not like the Nekuni didn't have the chance and ability to change and by all accounts Goichi was far fucking worse than average. I mean, shit, this same guy even tried to shun his own grandson.

I mean, you can justify it all you want, but keep in mind: this is the same clan whose calling card/Trump card is legit god damn mind control. And they have a well deserved reputation for abuse of power. This entire situation in the city as it sits now is due almost entirely (yes, not all, but like 80%+) to the Nekuni's clan previous and current actions. And even when it falls on the heads of an innocent grade schooler... I honestly find it very fucking difficult to have sympathy for their current situation. And it just goes to show how Goichi's methods were questionable. He and his clan did all those things, and for what? Did it secure the peace? Nope. As soon as he kicked the bucket, like every tyrant ever, there was a power vacuum and a lot of angry people looking for revenge. Maybe if you didn't cause that strife to begin with by heavy handed methods you wouldn't face such a problem as soon as your reign ends.

Again: very fucking hard for me to sympathize with the Nekuni.
Dec 3, 2019
total bullshit, the nekuni are fully in the right, have divine authority. "dictatorship" and "oppression" are only names for just authority that you don't like. masaka wants some kind of egalitarian revolution, goichi would know what to do with them if they didn't back down. "the clans will be on equal footing; wouldn't that actually make it more peaceful?" lol
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018
@definitionofinsanity I mean, almost every system rule was or is built on a mountain of corpses one way or other...it can start with a lot of public support, but dissatisfaction will arise in any system, and you either continue to crush them to maintain order or just let the place fall to chaos every time a disagreement comes up.

It's a pretty cold-hearted way to run things, but if nothing else that aforementioned mind control is fueled by divine power and gifted by the local god like any of the other clans' abilities are; the rats literally possess the divine authority to enforce their will. Goichi was clearly a dictator who ruled by an bloodied iron fist, but we've been shown nothing so far to suggest he's actually abused the power he was given for selfish gain or exploited his subjects . . . all three revenge stories against the Nekuni in the manga so far were by families who, after being tolerated for seemingly centuries for their past criminal contributions to the town's benefit, were warned to cease such activities out of practical concerns in the modern age, then lashed out against their ruling lord in anger. Two of them even attempted to flat out murder Goichi, one of them twice.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2021
Democrarize the divine authority!!! Nekumi hurts a lot of clans, now the horse girl will bring justice!!!
The loli is the real enemy, the order include sen self sacrfice or worst

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