Urara Meirochou - Vol. 7 Ch. 62

Group Leader
Jul 15, 2018
@holo Honest suggestion, you should just learn from novel community (novelupdates.com) and just make it a rule to prevent sniping like this. Honestly, I started translating novels first before to moving to manga mainly, but I find it funny that you like getting NTRed by trolls, but it's not up to me to decide what fetishes you like.
Jan 30, 2018
@Holo If you're just going to keep obeying the letter of the rules without understanding their spirit and refuse to ban this user, at least please try to fast-track the uploader blacklist feature so we can finally put an end to this.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
So i guess im fine with this since we have like what 30 more chapters
Sep 13, 2018
What I see

Active member
Jan 19, 2018
why won't you guys learn the old age wisdom.
I mean, it's even on the rule of the internet... rule 14.
don't feed the troll, let them pass just like fart.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
You disgust me. You're the real troll here, not the scanlator. There are far and enough warnings that this is the final chapter, that nobody has the right to pretend they were spoiled. You also have no right to censor what the rest of us can read.

Whiners like you should be banned. Keep polluting this thread with your idiotic temper tantrum and I'll report your posts for trolling.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
@Northern ? You realise i didn't ask one time to get him ban right ? You're the one behind you and me throwing a tantrum. I just ask for group blacklist which is already planned. You throw your anger at the wrong person because i did nothing wrong here. Feel free to lose time reporting for troll but i don't think any of my comments in this section is really for trolling.

You disgust me. You're the real troll here, not the scanlator.

Thanks for the laugh btw.

There are far and enough warnings that this is the final chapter, that nobody has the right to pretend they were spoiled.

Not like i said that i didn't read the chapter and didn't complain avout spoiler but i guess you didn't care either.And once again that's not because there is warning that's is ok to do that.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Holo Why are YOU not doing a single fucking thing about it?

You have a person purposefully trolling by uploading the last chapters of series, with piss poor quality, and who keeps trolling AND getting banned on the talk pages. How many people have to ask you to deal with it before you DEAL WITH IT? Are you THAT afraid of doing ANYTHING? You refuse to work on being able to hide groups, you refuse to act on "scanlator drama". Is it any wonder why so many people think your entire group is a joke?

If you think this is going to stop, you are an idiot. And you bet your ass I'm going to keep calling you out on it. Wouldn't it be funny if you ban me, the guy riding your ass for being incompetent, faster than you ban him, someone who is ACTUALLY CAUSING DRAMA? Do it. Prove me right.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@deltarayedge rip doesnt look like they are gona do anything, imo uploading the ending of a series or sniping the ending is fucking pure trolling because it KILLS the series, like who the heck wants to keep translating the rest of the series when some random dude sniped and uploaded the final chapter feelsbadman
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
1) no one is forcing you to read
2) this might always happen if translations are way behind the raw
3) it is a 4-koma sol, so ending hardly matters
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@Fuko man u must be really dumb

1) I already knew that but i read it anyways since i don't really read the series and was wondering how it ended
2) Just because translations are way behind the raws doesn't give them the right to do that
3) I've seen it happen to other series besides 4-koma so it DOES matter cause like I pointed out WHO the HECK would ever want to translate or continue to do so when some troll decides to just skip everything and post the ending of a series for the LOL's, by posting the ending they are KILLING any translations the series would've ever gotten
Active member
Nov 18, 2018
im sure this was posted by some guy from a publishing corporation to undermine the effort of the free netizens who try to keep ressources free to access for the sake of the greater good, anyway this supersonic scans are just one of the shameful attempts to rid the big corporations of their competitors and there is probably a poorly paid employee of some back end company providing his services to shut down competition for those big ruling trademarked knowledge monopolist companies, the world is rotten i say you gotta admit it
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
I don't want spoilers so gonna have to wait till the rest get uploaded. I didn't know it ended already, I thought it was ongoing. When did it end exactly, I wonder? (edit: checked author twitter, apparently July 26th is when it ended. I am sad to see it go.)

I'm sad to see that because it probably hurts the chances of season 2 quite a bit. :(
Sep 25, 2018
3) it is a 4-koma sol, so ending hardly matters

A month before it ended I was worried sick about how it was gonna end to the point I couldn't sleep, this manga has a real plot with real relationship development so the ending mattered a lot, I'm glad it was good and the author delivered.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
I reread it again (i think i skipped a lot of pages the first time i read this chapter) that left me a lot more confused but i don't regret it anymore.
It's cute ok

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