Userscript to hide stuff you don't want to read

Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
My own script I have been using for a fairly long time to hide stuff:
PP is plusplus, so it's MD++. Not PeePee.

Stuff it can do:
  • You mark a manga as "to read" or "to ignore", toggle a button or 2 to hide all manga that belong to either of these groups. Now the feeds only have truly new manga that you haven't seen before.
  • Hide a manga entirely from your feeds or updates if you have read all chapters. Toggleable.
  • Hide chapters from certain uploaders or groups.

Stuff that it should be able to do but it can't and won't because I'm lazy:
* Import all followed manga into the "to read" category: Just open the updates tab and spam click them.

Try to limit your MD block list to uploaders with high upload frequency/quantity like official publishers or those manhwa groups, and let this script handle infrequent uploaders/MTLs. Or at least that's how I use it.

Spend more time reading, less time browsing.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
Any possibility it could also hide things based on tags?
Without a lot of efforts, only on recently added or advanced search pages. Not on the feeds/follow page without sending a bunch of requests to fetch the tags.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
Any possibility it could also hide things based on tags?
added this feature because of the recent flood of bl stuff
unchecked entries will be rechecked when you change your blacklisted tag list, or you can force a recheck by clicking on the "clear" button
there will be race conditions and stuff because i don't know how to do threading properly in JS, but fuck it, just click on the clear button to recheck if you think it's sussy, or just manually click on the ignore button.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
My own script I have been using for a fairly long time to hide stuff:
PP is plusplus, so it's MD++. Not PeePee.

Stuff it can do:
  • You mark a manga as "to read" or "to ignore", toggle a button or 2 to hide all manga that belong to either of these groups. Now the feeds only have truly new manga that you haven't seen before.
  • Hide a manga entirely from your feeds or updates if you have read all chapters. Toggleable.
  • Hide chapters from certain uploaders or groups.

Stuff that it should be able to do but it can't and won't because I'm lazy:
* Import all followed manga into the "to read" category: Just open the updates tab and spam click them.

Try to limit your MD block list to uploaders with high upload frequency/quantity like official publishers or those manhwa groups, and let this script handle infrequent uploaders/MTLs. Or at least that's how I use it.

Spend more time reading, less time browsing.
shit you mkae this stuff? such a huge peepee do you agree @bigtiddyoneesan
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
@EOTFOFYL for you... yeah... just keep doing your thing sir.
Don't hold yourself back,
Embrace the horny content
With full confidence.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 20, 2018
How do you use the script? The toxic amount of loli is bone chilling, and I want to keep some faith in humanity while browsing the latest upload section
Apr 19, 2018
Can you please make it a file that is exportable and a selection if I want to use an external file(to read/write) or firefox internal storage? At this point its really easy for settings to reset if you just change profiles and then change back or of firefox exits weirdly.

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