@Rockdrop What made you believe that authors don't get the money in official english translations? Do you know how licensing work? Or, you know, intellectual property.
Oh gosh my heart hurts for the poor girl. I really hope Yunifer didn’t inadvertently cause (I can’t even remember her name now which makes me even sadder...) HER to turn back towards the awful crown prince.
I agree with all the tapas hate so I’m sad to see this go. Thank you for all your hard work thus far!
Why does it feel like I've been reading the same episode over and over again with each update... Like, am I crazy or I feel like I've already read this episode?
@shrimpdumplings no you're not going crazy and yes, we've read these episodes before. someone's already uploaded chapters 20 to 23(?) before but it got taken down as people kept saying that they (the ones who uploaded the chapters) are snipers(?)
noooo fdalkjdfs well i'm glad spanish is my first language... ch 34 just updated today hehe. aaah i do want to read it in english too, i hope someone picks it up...
thank you for all your work until now!!! it was truly appreciated <3