Hamel x Leraje
Izana x Ginger
I will accept no arguments
let the ship sail!!🔥🔥🔥
also it feels like Hamel is changing the course of the story to 'capture' Leraje, and thats the only reason he is going along with Ginger's plans (well more like using her actualy lol + she is kinda naive & dumb so its prob easier to do it)
Well I'm pretty sure Izana is slowly getting attracted to that naive & cute dumbness (just look at them cute blushes uwu she's so straightforward it makes you smile and forget all the bad things in life), its like Hamel almost doesn't even need to do anything but sip his tea while watching Izana not falling for Leraje, so all swell😂
ok Hamel Bray is legit my favorite now
p.s. Kiki u sh*t don't taint my image of blue haired characters. Well his father is also sh*tty, guess a fruit doesn't fall far from it's tree (btw I love how people here in the comments just simply hate his guts lmao)