Very good manhwa but the credit page is stupid haha, somehow i though it's a part of the manhwa from few first chaptters, and it's still affect me even i know it's not, cause it's image to image, direct to my eyes.
The "original group" is 6 chapters behind. If the their work is of higher quality then I look forward to reading their work on reread but there is no legitimate reason for there to be only one group working on a project.
Why can't Hamel just erase Lerajie's memories about the book?
I mean, he could easily erase Hamel Bray from Ginger's mind completely. Why can't he do the same to Lerajie? Lerajie has a necklace that protects her but can't they just take it and erase her memories then?
thank u so much for the chapters keijiv T__T
but yes i do agree with PlanOfInaction .... unless the group is given actual translation rights from the creator, there's no rule that says other groups aren't allowed to pick up series
I agree with everyone else, the other group is 6 chapters behind and haven't posted for 2 months... I really hope you continue with the translations, keijiv.