@hiddentheory Oh wow, has it been 12 days already? For some reason I thought I had posted that later and that 12 days later meant the 30th :X.
Anyway, guess I should've updated anyone who was awaiting news. I will indeed be picking the series up. However, in my brief exchange with merinocaramel, I was asked to look over the already released chapters for mistakes. Therefore, the current plan is that I'll release chapter 12, which will finish volume 2. After that, I will go back through the 11 released chapters and re-release them with any necessary corrections, or maybe just my own translations if I find it easier to work that way. Merinocaramel will be credited as the original translator for the 11 existing chapters.
So, sorry for those waiting for new chapters, but it'll probably be a good month before I release new ones beyond 12. As for 12, that'll be coming within a week. The pace will pick up after I catch up through Saeki-san's latest volume (4).