Warning for missing chapters in follows

Feb 3, 2019
I'm saying this information should be present in follows list.

What happens with Mangadex's follows list if multiple chapters are released at once for the same comic?
Active member
Apr 29, 2018
imagine being this angry at your own inability to READ that you ask for more nanny features so you can't spoil yourself
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@lonefire What does reading have to do with taking extra countermeasures to avoid spoilers? Do you remember the latest chapter number of every manga you read? If you only have ten or so mangas in your follow list, probably, but we all know the follow list would eventually exceed a hundred. No way you would remember them all then suddenly - whoops. I got spoiled by a sniper. Great.

@Oeconomist Am I doing something wrong or is this action impossible on mobile since I have no way of clicking chapter 34 since it doesn't exist.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
One of the many things that I've observed is how often rules get misapplied — sometimes quote innocently, but often by someone who believes that he or she can achieve some greater good by deliberately interpreting a rule in a way that conforms neither to its wording nor to its intention. I've even seen rules that I wrote hijacked in the latter way.

While there are clear cases of uploads that are meant to spoil a series, and there are clear cases of uploads that are simply intended to make a series available to readers for whom the source language is difficult or opaque, there is a great grey area. It would be difficult or impossible to write rules that could draw a proper line of distinction. And, even if those rules succeeded, some first-order twit would misinterpret those rules.

Further, a determined spoiler would take great pleasure in circumventing the rules. Banned, he or she could just create one special-purpose account after another, each one spoiling yet another series. Prerequisites for uploading intended to block malevolent uploaders would also block benevolent uploaders, to the delight of the malevolent uploaders.

@lightingcloud and now @jampidampi have offered a way to make it harder to spoil in the first place. It requires no inference about intention. Their proposal would even work against unintended spoilage (which is actually a very real possibility).
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

What happens with Mangadex's follows list if multiple chapters are released at once for the same comic?
A Follows page shows uploads for the Follower's page in reverse of the chronologic order in which they occurred. It is not possible for uploads to occur literally all at once, but when multiple uploads to the same Followed series are made before uploads to any other Followed series, then they are shown one right after another, in the order in which they were uploaded.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

With the “mobile” interface, on the line beneath the series title, there is a drop-down menu with chapters. To its left is a less-than symbol, and to its right is a greater-than symbols. These are being used as-if pointers (which semantic abuse causes me to wince internally). Click on the greater-than symbol, and you should be take to the next chapter. If the next chapter is missing, then you should get the warning page.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 4, 2018
@Oeconomist Yeah that's exactly what I did but it delivered me immidietely to chapter 39, the next available chapter, skipping the warning that you said. Maybe the warning isn't applied in mobile?
Aug 20, 2018
I would like to make a suggestion on this fonctionality to prevent to be spoiled.
Mainly for those using the "bookmark" to go read the chapters.
In this apge, could it be possible to add an icon to explain that the user may be spoiled because the last chapter he read is not the previous of the one released ?

For exemples :
A) For one serie, the last chapter I read is the 52nd. If chapter 53 is realeased, no warning.
B) For one serie, the last chapter I read is the 52nd. If chapter 77 is realeased, there's a warning.
C) For one serie, the last chapter I read is the 52nd but the series ha already 62 chapters released. If chapter 63 is released, there's a warning.
C) For one serie, the last chapter I read is the 52nd. If chapters 53, 54 and 55 are realeased, I have no warninf for the 53rd chapter, but I have warnings for the chapters 54 and 55.

Thank you for reading me.
Sep 20, 2018
It sounded to me like it was a clarification of sort. I see some user case here. I think that is what the original OP meant, but I do believe writing it down as such is relevant.
Apr 4, 2018
As I am on mobile I always just go to my follows and click on the newest upload from the follows page. I follow enough manga that it’s hard to remember what chapter was uploaded last and when people decide to post the last chapter, i invevitably will read enough to be spoiled for the missing chapters. It would be nice to have a warning on the new chapter telling me that it skipped a load of chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
+1 to this
shouldn't be too complicated to implement, we have the gap warning on the reader already, and we have a read/unread mark on chapters
I've seen this happen yesterday, someone uploaded a Himeno-chan chapter way ahead of the translation
This happened with Love Lab too, for some reason the scanlators had a aneurysm and decided to skip entire volumes, thus spoiling the story


Group Leader
Feb 1, 2019
No automatic feature can prevent spoiler uploads. I just recommend report the chapter to delete it. Does anyone did it?
The only way to protect us is to assign each project created to its scan group as an admin, with moderator privileges over the uploads. Is the only safe and practical solution. The project owner can change with request or abandonment.
There are other web sites with this feature and really works fine.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

People have reported the spoiler chapters, but their uploading was within the rules of MangaDex, and their deletion is not supported by any rule of which I know. Further, as I have noted, there is a range over which it is hard to write rules to distinguish willful spoilers from leaps that are justified by practical considerations (such as intermediate chapters being currently unavailable, or scanlators focussing first on material not in widely available anime adaptations), and even well written rules will be misapplied.

The cost of giving control over uploads for one series to just one group of uploaders is that the best scanlations will not appear unless they are those of the group that gets control. I have more than once seen cases in which the first group of scanlators does not do as good a job as a later group. And I'd hate to see an attempt to adjudicate arguments over whether control should be wrestled-away from some group because a supposedly superior group wanted control.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

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