@PiakuchuKiller nah that has too many letters, it's probably one of these:
農園 【ノウエン】 plantation
酪農 【ラクノウ】 dairy farming
営農 【エイノウ】 farming, agriculture
After all it has 2 kanji for the xx and if we go by censored words, they often only end up censoring one kana like:
マン○ (puss○) おチ○チン (dic○) セック○ (se○) and so on
Also sex is often described as xxx and words like hentai (ヘンタイ) or ecchi (えっち) have more than 2 kana, maybe if we're writing hentai in kanji (変態) it would work, however it doesn't fit too well with the title.