They're "improving" something they purposely botched in the first place.
PvE was just one of the big retractions. I remember hearing original Overwatch was still going to be up and playable with Overwatch 2. But that clearly didn't happen.
You also need to provide them with your phone number or some nonsense still. Last I heard anyway.
Then you can look at Diablo 4 now. People get more amusement trashing the game than actually playing it.
Nevermind ActiBlizzard's handling of the majority of their games after Diablo 3. In fact, if you were around during Diablo 3's days, Diablo 4's promises are pretty much the exact same as back then. You would also see Blizzard's attitude toward its players hasn't changed since then, just they coat the words in various sugars and convoluted wordplay.
(Basically "You players don't know what fun is, we do. Shut up and trust us unconditionally. We are slowly fixing what we broke because we aren't giving you what you want and we can use that as content to appease you idiots.")
I wouldn't call Overwatch 2 (or any of Blizzard's games) garbage objectively. It's a functioning game, albeit bland. 2 is objectively worse than its predecessor though. Very clear the games (not just Overwatch) nowadays are made purely with spreadsheets and player retention in mind.
Tie it too with the company behind it and their major cases of lying (and more importantly still getting away with it despite over 10 years of very clear bad behavior), and yeah it's awful.