Watashitachi wa Koi wo Shiranai - Vol. 3 Ch. 20

Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls your life is not justification to judge others just because same thing give different result to them. the context is different, the people are different. in this series, no one has ill intent.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls o_O

i just try understood the character from what author told. it seems you that white knight the concept of love from amano side without even look how amano own action. you are have strong tendency of paternalism completely ignore amano own character. what you care the most is yourself.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls amano is slightly annoyed, but never upset. she keep being friends with them and has no problem and interact normally and not hold grudge at all. it's you.
Jan 18, 2018








again, she might don't realize it, and it also might not love (she clearly said she don't understand love).

but with how those 2 act, it's uninevitable for people around them to tease them. and it is fine. it's also part of friendship.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls yeah, give me pls, the one where she actually mad and protested that she was getting teased. i will wait.

aren't it you forcing your idea to amano? i don't remember she get mad over trivial thing like you.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls again, this time, she not even pushing her or something, just asking amano to vent her when she fall in love in exchenge seto talking about her love story. dude, i think the one that doesn't read is you.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls again, show me. just give me the page. the burden of proof is in you.

editor is realizing it's better for her to discover herself (and more entertaining that way).
Jan 18, 2018

again, the editor is keep it to her self after she clarify that amano really have no idea what she presumed for.,


also amano is not put off, just dumbfounded, since she don't have intention that way, but as editor, what she write is clearly indicate something.


again, are you talking out of your ass? why are you overly sensitive? amano it self is fine, and the character around her is also same. and i never said amano is consciously is in love with kuga. however, again, what she write and she act is what other people around them considered love. but this kind of innocent feelings is also fine.

amano don't take it personally, why you?
Jan 18, 2018



is this what you called put off? damn man. you really talking out of your ass.

also yes, the character around her and me is assuming, and it is fine. no one forced it to her, just teasing and sometimes pointing out if she act unusually as friends. that's what outsider is.

also realistically, among friends, teasing about romantic relationship is also usual. i wonder if you have friends or not IRL? or you have really statics sad friendship with lot of toxicity and untrustworthy? that as simple as teasing can turn into mental abuses.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls none of character deciding, they are assuming and try to clarify, and amano keep rejecting. tho even after rejecting, how she act is still what a people fall in love do.

none of character is enforcing amano to feel love. and again, if you have friend that that much enforcing your private life, maybe those are toxic friends to begin with, which is not the case with character around amano.
Jan 18, 2018

that's shipping, it's common to be a wingman for people around you. asia is very family centric, so if they see such potential, it's common to try to help it. forcing would be if she giving condition to amano she had to go out with kuga, but she isn't. just advising since it's also common for man to guarding female hence why kuga is not rejecting, also surprised when amano politely decline at first.

is it forcing her own ideas if it's the norm? she act like what most people would do. and again, not try to interfere private life too much, but still giving advice and opinion as 3rd person view. aren't you that enforcing your own ideals to character who isn't even has the same situation as you?
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls assumption is not same as deciding. they also asking amano lot of times, because they aren't sure them self. with same logic, just because i think you are an idiot then you are an idiot. that's not how it works. people perception is there. you aren't live alone. if you can't even accept that people think of you, then just life alone.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls well then, i am sure myself thinking you are an idiot. it must be truth than and i am not merely having speculation.

She is so sure that she interferes with Amano's life by having Kuga walk her home so that they can have alone time or some BS. That is a level of interference that rises above and beyond a mere speculation. I have mentioned this all before.

i have mentioned before as much as modern japanese is, their society is quite conservative, and it is the norm for man to walk girl home if she alone. you refuse to understand context. not even amano is rejecting that. also reason why kuga feel dejected when she refused because it's give impression kuga unreliable guarding amano. what you care is only yourself and your idea.
Jan 18, 2018
@givemersspls while it is that she think it's cute, but it still within society norm. and again, she never enforced, just give them suggestion. if a suggestion is already considered enforcing, there is something really wrong with your impression of human interaction.

also cab is pricy for high schooler and most of japan prefer walk or public transport than using cars (which is most likely happen with editor too). again, showing how ignorance you are. thinking your value is the only one correct.
Jan 18, 2018

Here, the editor specifically forwent the options of taking Amano herself or calling a cab or anything like that. She specifically "suggested" Kuga take Amano home. That's a hard thing to turn down regardless of if they had romantic feelings for one another.

I meant that the editor could have paid for the cab. And again, maybe the editor could have driven Amano home. Or maybe the editor could have escorted Amano herself on foot.

because that's the societal norm. even among friends, however amusement is also a bonus plus. it's not special to editor, even family is like that. and neither of your suggestion is efficiently available since editor obviously chose as the easiest for both side (especially amano, since she is younger and the mangaka) and cab is pricy, the distance probably not far. driven amano home is very likely is in opposite of editor direction (she literally come from company to cafe around amano neighbhorhood as showing even kuga there) and again, usually meeting like this is using public transport and walking. editor is very unlikely to driven her own car.

again shipping someone is normal, why you against that?

It's hilarious how hypocritical you are. You are doing the thing you are criticizing. You're saying I'm thinking only my value is the correct one? You're ignoring how you're imposing your values on other people. Literally only my option allows for people to decide for themselves whether they are in love. Your option allows people to be told whether they are in love, regardless of what they think.
it's the character value, not mine. i explain how japan norm works, but you refuse to understand. it's not mine.

also again, no one decide love except amano them self, the rest of character just assuming. none of them forced them to confess or anything. just when the place and time it's convenient, they set them up. which is nice as friends. you are the one that forcing your idea that amano is somewha tcompletely hate them out of your own construct. if amano hate it, she would have ignore them to begin with, but she didn't. even going out together with seno as well. showing it's just trivial for amano.
Jan 18, 2018
That is not the societal norm. The societal norm is for the people doing business to see each other off. You're really making crap up.

yes, but again, the way it constructed is different. while author could directly into publisher company, for special condition and want more privacy, the editor could go to where author asked. combine with culture of public transporting and walking (military education remanence) you get the picture.

Here, Kuga hadn't even interacted with them until Amano woke up him and the editor "suggested" walking home with him. That goes against the societal norm of seeing out the person with whom you're doing business.

it was amano that pointing that she has acquaintance there, and kuga also realizing and want to make contact. so you are lietrally false here.



now kuga available + amano walking home alone + editor amusement, there you go, nothing weird here.


And then you're making up stuff in order to justify your conclusion. Where does it say the cab is pricey? Where does it say the distance is probably not far? Where besides you making it up?

Maybe Kuga lives in the complete opposite direction. Maybe the editor lives in the exact same direction.

as for why japan taxi pricy
tl;dr: low competition (online cub is not successful in japan), high taxation, big government owned public transportation system and luxury service based

as for the distance is not far
1. explanation above, promising youth author, editor pick up the ball . it's what it usually doing


2. most obvious one is kuga there. he is study. it's common practice in japan to study in nearby family restaurant especially someone with loud family like kuga. it's quite, comfortable and have free wifi (as modern as japan are, free wifi is still something rare).


also it's common trope in manga to study in cafe, i tough you at least understand this.

3. also you can see that they are not walking into same direction and part away directly (thus waving hand goodbye).


and look at chapter 16! Amano even tries to refuse, and yet the editor continues to push the idea of Kuga walking her home! Are you ignoring how persistent and pushy the editor gets there?

you are the one who lied tho. even amano is accepting the idea (tho not in correct way)



ou refused to understand Japanese norms and then made up stuff in order to make yourself look better. That's just crap.

hey, if you don't believe me, at least do some research on it. but yeah, maybe it was too hard for you, i guess...

The editor is one of the clearest examples of someone being pushy in order to support her own conception of Amano and Kuga's relationship. See the comments above.

if that's already pushy, maybe you are the one that really overreacting by japanese standard. asian culture never really care about your own personal safe space to begin with, however, family safe space is one that focused upon (tho in the other hand that's why shame culture and collective punishment is big problem in asian culture).
>others above personal (collective opinion beyond personal)
>you are expected to care about others too beyond personal privacy.

Don't make up stuff if you can't support it.

then show me where is your argument supported @givemersspls. i will wait.

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