I think the biggest thing holding this manga back is how static the protagonist is. It almost feels like one of those shows from like before Vods and internet streaming were a thing so they made every episode self contained and nothing major happens to the characters so if you missed an episode it wouldn't matter and you could still enjoy it. Granted it's only the 3rd chapter so I'm not expecting monumental changes in our protagonist but I would like some growth. It would he great if it built on the protagonists past actions and show how his indecisiveNess effected him. For example, just last chapter bro was so wrapped up in his own thoughts and insecurities that kamoi ended up running to school in the rain. It would be awesome if it built on that and showed him taking a bit more initiave in their interactions going forward because of those events. I'm not asking him to move mountains but I would like to see him at least nudge an anthill.