Yeah he seems like he might be somewhat ace, though that is up to him to identify himself as one.
A shame people like #S*perOniichan and others seem to be a little bit "skeptical" (to not say straight up bigoted and ignorant) about this conversation in the first place.
Yeah sure, life as a woman is incredibly easy. We praise trans women only for being incredibly feminine (because it's not like they have an inherent desire to be perceived as women, right? And it's not like we can deconstruct gender stereotypes and help minority groups at the same time, right?). And implying that he might be trans or ace is not labelling or forcing him to identify as such, but go on and exaggerate and dramatize every single shit in the comments. And yeah boy, we ALL DO IT FOR ATTENTION today, don't we? It's just a fashion y'know?
Fuck, reading these comments is extremely disgusting.