@FeviBevi I think there are many forms of lucid dreaming. Some make it seem like I woke up not from a good night's sleep but from work! Others are vivid but last no time at all. Others last an objective puny amount of time but a subjective vast amount of time at high resolution - my first lucid dream was just a CAD program in my head with nothing but a gear against a black background. Yet another seemed vivid until I became aware of the dream, whence it looked more like a bunch of artifacts from a defective GPU. Yet another was an adventure, but a very blurry one... and I think that last one is what the popular lucid dream is. In other words, maybe 10% of my lucid dream were ever adventures or stories, and the rest can be thought of as sometime-backfiring training dreams. I think the only way to find lucid dreaming styles that don't tire you out is to be lucky, have a lot of free time (good luck getting even coffee to wake you up after a bad one), read something before bed against warm incandescent light or candlelight, and really really REALLY focus on just one very narrow and specific thing before sleep, like the teeth of a gear to the point of striving for perfect mathematical precision just beyond what the conscious mind can do. At least I remember triggering the gear dream day after day for a while with no ill effects until I arbitrarily stopped doing that. EDIT right, also, drugs, both light and heavy, and even caffeine and too much starch adversely impact REM sleep, so cut that out too and exercise plenty and eat a nutritious diet... even cut out tea for a little while....