What's the most disastrous sequel to an anime you have ever seen?

Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
Can be a new season, or one (or multiple) OVAs to wrap up a show, as long as it comes after an already aired anime, and made with the intention to continue that anime.
This thread is full of spoilers, for obvious reasons. Don't just throw an anime name here, do include your reason why you hate it so much so that we can jump on the hate train together.

I'm gonna start with the elephant in the room: Yakusoku no Neverland ss2
This is probably the single most infamous ss2 in the history of anime. Removing arcs, all over the place pacing, setting up unfired Chekhov's guns, and a bunch of other sins.

Minami-ke Okawari (ss2)
The entire season seems a bit off for me whenever Fuyuki is on screen, and he turned out to be an anime original character. His entire character is unfunny, and drags the show down whenever he appears. But in all fairness, his presence alone doesn't really make the entire season unsalvageable, unlike my next example.

Wonder Egg Priority: Watashi no Priority (conclusion OVA)
Not only did the OVA that's supposed to give conclusion to the show actually leave you with more questions, it retroactively undid some of the character developments established in the prior season. If you have ever read https://mangadex.org/title/29f91662-3b53-40ed-8907-31bed1cdcce6/hoshino-me-o-tsubutte, it's somewhat the same thing over there.
Active member
Jan 20, 2018
Durarara, the first season's ending was fine, they went ahead and started adding more and more characters in the next seasons that did nothing for the plot whatsoever, and the ending was basically the same as the first season with only some details, waste of time TBH, I felt like the author wanted to show some slice of life or something.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 24, 2023
Fruit of Evolution Season 2.. or I think it's listed here as "The Seed of Evolution"

I enjoyed the first season as it was a nice.. shut off the brain and watch kinda thing. Felt like it had some kind of foundation to it. Thennn we reach Season 2 which just felt.. eh?
I can't really describe it but while I was looking forward to Season 2, it was just such a rough watch to try to even get through. I hadn't finished it and have yet to go back to it at this point - which is odd for me because I generally push through regardless. I mean, I watched every episode of the Endless 8 from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Overall it felt like more of a slap to the face than anything else.. I just couldn't find myself enjoying it, no matter how much I turned my brain off.

Then again, it's been awhile since I watched it and I may be misremembering but I do remember that I just did not enjoy it.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
The season 3 of to aru majutsu no index was really bad : the pacing was all over the place, everything was rushed, characters were badly introduced, and so much more ! And worst of it : you have this failure after all those years of waiting. Even the Accelarator spin-off was way better, surprisingly.

That's a shame for the franchise. Sure, the index anime has never be a masterpiece, but was at least a good shonen. I've discover the franchise with the index S1 when i was a teenager 15 years ago, and i'm a fan since. But with the S3, it's to the point i've stop watching the anime and only buy the manga (same for the railgun spin-off)
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
The season 3 of to aru majutsu no index was really bad : the pacing was all over the place, everything was rushed, characters were badly introduced, and so much more ! And worst of it : you have this failure after all those years of waiting. Even the Accelarator spin-off was way better, surprisingly.

That's a shame for the franchise. Sure, the index anime has never be a masterpiece, but was at least a good shonen. I've discover the franchise with the index S1 when i was a teenager 15 years ago, and i'm a fan since. But with the S3, it's to the point i've stop watching the anime and only buy the manga (same for the railgun spin-off)
I have heard about that. Main reason why I'm still stalling ss3 after finishing rewatching ss2 last year. Kinda unfortunate since I feel like Kazuma's writing got a lot better after volumes 11-12.
Sep 10, 2023
Half way through season 2 of Gantz, the studio no longer wanted to continue adapting the story or knew they were canceled. Instead of leaving it open-ended, they created an ending. It was rushed beyond belief. Story of the manga already branches off into multiple paths with many plot lines to follow. The anime would have most likely followed suit if it had not outpaced the source material. It ended up adding in its own characters and ending, both of which were weaker than what was present in the manga.

Each seasons holds 13 episodes. 26 in total. For reference, by episode 22, the anime wrapped up the Buddah's Ark (5th one in the manga - Chapter 62?) In episode 23, Funimation included the Kunono Alien Arc from the manga (Chapter 90). Episode 24 was used to tie in their made up villain to the ending arc starting in ep 25, while also trying to explain as many story plots from SE 01 as possible. ( Which you learn around chapter 300+ in the book )

So total: 8 Arcs, 3 of them made up. The manga contains around 19 if I'm not mistaken? Yeah the Anime is a convoluted clusterfuck of bad decisions and deceit. Oh, and they removed all the nudity scenes to make room for content LOL.
Apr 26, 2020
None of the FLCL sequels (is that the right word for these?) have been worthy to lick the boots of the original. Progressive had its moments and did an only-95%-shitty job of expanding Haruko's backstory, but I never got invested in any of the other characters. Alternative just fizzled after the second episode or so. (Admittedly, I've never rewatched either one, so maybe I'm being too kind with the benefit of some time having passed.) I'm not holding out great hope for Grunge (particularly after seeing the first episode), but I'll give it a watch on principle.
I'm highly amused by Adult Swim/Williams Street being involved in producing these, given how they treated anime in the mid-late '00's. Some will make claims/excuses about the ratings being what drove it off the network; I had conversations with some of the Funimation and ADV staff at cons in '04-'05, and heard their stories about Adult Swim network folks actively trying to push anime out of the schedule by any means possible. The ratings may have provided an excuse, but there was already a contingent within the network who had it in for the medium long before that happened.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2023
I was very excited when S2 of Magus Bride started airing but my enthusiasm started to converge near zero after every episode. It's not some atrocious season really, but it felt like quite a downgrade in artistic direction, animation, character personalities and even story writing. I'm not ditching the series and I've tried to enjoy all the salvageable bits. But dayum the delta between expectation and delivery was oof sized.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2019
The Misfit of Demon King Academy S2. It dumped way too much new lore, a whole cast of new characters and also was way fast paced. As a cherry on top it had a hiatus lasting for months between episodes.
Oct 5, 2018
Eureka Seven Ao, I don't how turn a series that has best writing in anme ever into absolute shit writing. But the wrost thing is how uncessary of squeal it is like it has no reason to exist. plus if they want to do a squeal there literally their charater from the orginal series whose arc end but it would nice to see a follow up. but no they decide to create a charater for squeal
In the orginal series the main protagonist and heroine die. so they made movie which alternative to orginal. just where they live. just so they a can a child which what the squeal is base. also the squeal try to tie both the alternative and orginal togther which just made it worser
there also uncessay time travel. it just feel like they made squeal for quick buck. so thank to them i suffer knowing this exist and I just want forget and pretend this never exist so thanks studio bones
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
Probably because it couldn't live up to the hype that was season one, the bar was too high, and also the part of the story that they adapted is not that interesting
I do understand it's not as good as the prior season but tbh, it's still a rather objectively decent anime, nothing near a catastrophic failure. IIRC, remind me if I'm wrong, ss2 was rather faithful in its adaptation without any noticeable dip in writing/plot/etc. quality. The animation was a notch down from ss1, but still well inside the decent/somewhat good range.

Shokugeki no Souma final season might qualify for the hot garbage category. But that's rather the fault of the manga so I would cut the adaptation some slack.
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
Mushoku tensei, say through a whole 12 episodes of the main character having an erectile dysfunction. Felt so sluggish compared to the first season.
Lmao I enjoyed ss2 so much. Might be due to cock joke funny haha is my kind of thing. I do agree on the pacing feeling a bit dragged out. My friend told me the next season might be focused on Roxy. Have zero idea about that but it might be nice to see the loli again.

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