Whisper Me a Love Song - Ch. 49 - Impatience, Consultation, and a Confession...

Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2024
Yuri manga always find a way to include incest in any shape or form, it’s kinda annoying.
Yagate Kimi ni Naru
The Summer You Were
Goodbye, My Rose Garden
Anemone is in Heat
My Yuri Started With Me Getting Rejected In A Dream
Girl Friends
Your True Color
Hana and Hina After School
I Can't Defy The Lonely Girl
A Love Yet To Bloom

Do you know what always means?
Dex-chan lover
Jul 6, 2023
I kinda groaned at the developments in the new chapter because ONCE AGAIN Aki is at the center of the new drama (can someone give her a break lol), but as long as it doesn't drag on as long as the previous arc, I can roll with this being a fun lil side arc.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2020
SOMEONE!! PLS BURY ME SOMEWHERE 😭 the second hand embarrassment is too much. They too excited they didn't let Miki finished and just barged and partied way too early

I knew she's a major siscon (well just maybe 50/50). 💀 aki you womanizer!
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Dex-chan lover
Sep 7, 2019
You can tell how weak characters are in this manga when:
One - I can't even tell any of them apart, every fucking one of them including the main couple can be divided in, cheery light hair girl and somewhat akward dark haired girl.
Two - The author can't develop any character on their own so she has to manifest some curveball drama out of the depths of hell to make anything "interesting" happen in this mess of a manga.

Creating a new character to push the story foward isn't necessarily a bad move, afterall it happens all the damn time in media, but it is meant to be just A way to move the plot foward, not the ONLY way, if you can't move your narrative foward without constantly introducing new elements you fucked up.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2024
... what???

I get the feeling that she likes Shiho and not Aki (at least I hope we'll be spared the siscon younger sister) but in any case it is kind of hard to care about Miki and her senpai.

Well, whatevs :aquadrink:
Double-page supporter
Jul 11, 2023
Just gonna skip pass the drama real quick and obsess over the second to last page when Aki is talking about Shiho <3
Double-page supporter
Jul 11, 2023
After reading it over again, I think I’ve figured it out. Miki’s mood changes right when Aki mentions wanting to support Aya. Then the 2nd to last page showing Aki wanting to support Shiho. Therefore, Miki is most likely jealous and sad that she’s not getting Aki’s support. Or at least being told that from her.
May 20, 2024
I think this page is just a flashback of the scene where Aki wanted to support Aya. Basically Miki was hurt because 1. Aki is now dating Shiho 2. Aki wants Miki to have another girlfriend. So yeah, Miki is gay for her sister.
Then the 2nd to last page showing Aki wanting to support Shiho. Therefore, Miki is most likely jealous and sad that she’s not getting Aki’s support.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2023
Please don't go the "sister is in romantic love with her sister" route. Idk why, but it feels silly to me in this story. If they were the protags maybe but as side-ish characters the issue may be handled too quickly. This is heavy stuff so it should be properly explored rather than be a side arc in an unrelated story.

May they all find happiness in the end though.


Dex-chan lover
Jun 25, 2018
Please don't go the "sister is in romantic love with her sister" route. Idk why, but it feels silly to me in this story. If they were the protags maybe but as side-ish characters the issue may be handled too quickly. This is heavy stuff so it should be properly explored rather than be a side arc in an unrelated story.

May they all find happiness in the end though.
Don't worry, they will take 20 chapters and everyone else will become background characters, same as with Shiho and Aki.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2024
No fucking way i waited for one fucking month for another fucking drama, and its implied to be fucking siscon forbidden love, and there is no fucking my beloved Shiho in it at all

Can't believe the whole girls really ruined their confession holy shit :haa:

Errr I don't dislike drama tho, I just want to see Akishiho AAAAAAAH PLS, just dont let this drama hurt Shiho too long OK :angery:

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