Whispering You a Love Song - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - In the clubroom, With my classmates, And my decision.

Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
Suteki - Wonderful
Suki - Like/Love.

Missed a bullet there but still a hidden confession
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Why all of a sudden Mizuguchi feel... jealous ? I know the extra reveal she also love Yori but why lately it feel she seem hurt when she support Yori when she was fine in the first chapters ? It's seem to be a strange shift, i know you can say she know she can't win Yori so she try to make her be happy with Kino but it seemthat Mizuguchi hurt herself in the process. As Kino, either i didn't understand, either she still love Yori like you say you love Ice cream or chocolate when i thought last chapter implied that Kino started to love Yori romantically.

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