@theilikepie lol and so Jeanette and Anastacius did not have a toxic relationship? As much as Athy and Claude has a clusterfuck relationship in the beginning, especially from Claude's side, he has changed for the better. The only reason he's now, in lack of better terms, regressed, is because he has amnesia caused by magic. And even then, Claude instinctively know that he adores Athy.
On the other hand, Anastacius has Jeanette with Claude's ex-fiance (I forgot her name) with black magic with the intention of using the child in the future. And when Jeanette has grown up, he did so, continuously manipulating her with sugar-coated words. Imo their relationship is so much more toxic than Athy and Claude's relationship.
I know that Anastacius seems to start getting conflicted now, but unless he starts getting more character development and increasing relationship with Jeanette that DIDN'T INVOLVE hurting Claude and Athy, I'm definitely more inclined to not liking them.