Who Made Me a Princess?

Oct 9, 2019
Y’all really out here hating on Jeanette like she’s not just a lonely 15yo girl. Of course she’s a little selfish. It’s not like she’s mad at Athy or being mean to her.

Jeannette is jealous because Athy gets so much attention and can u blame her??? She’s only known like 2 people her whole life. Now she’s just starting to get attention and she likes it.

Point is stop stunking on my girl Jeannette!!!😤😤😤
Double-page supporter
Apr 24, 2018
this is honestly the only good villainess reincarnation story, everything else is terrible.
Feb 15, 2020
dark hair claude wasn’t even badmouthing athy and claude he was high key telling truth about jenette only getting close to claude after athy disappeared and she just ignores it smh smh
Jul 19, 2019
Puhleeeessss!! Jeanette is such a toxic person who sees herself as victim without even considering other's feelings.
Double-page supporter
Jan 19, 2019
Holy shit. The story takes FOREVER to get anywhere.
For a relatively obvious plot destination, there is so much wasted space full of unnecessary development that either goes nowhere or just drives home the obvious plot.
Best read when there are 20+ chapters to read in one hit so you don't feel like you're reading the same thing every release
Nov 14, 2019
aahhh i want to cry ; AA; i just want to hug both of them. i love them both so much. they're such precious children who want to be loved.
Jun 25, 2019
Man I really like this story but the pacing lately is dragging really bad, it's a shame.

also lmao @ everyone in the comments hating and shitting on an emotionally abused 15 year old y'all stay classy
Oct 13, 2019
Nobody is hating on the emotionally abused 15 yrs old girl, but nobody started reading the story for Jeanette, we came and stayed for Athy...well atleast I did.

In my case, I loved the fact that at the beginning the story was focused and driven, no unnecessary fillers, but now...its been months of fillers and no progress to the story whatsoever. Lucas is missing, Claude is letting his chain get jerked around and has been useless while always nursing a headache (drink an advil buddy), the red knight is also useless, Athy is just ambling on with no clear purpose and being rather naive (considering she knows what jeanette is, the girl is not human and by the end she is goin to stab Athy in the back). In the orginal story Jeanette went after her own happiness and didn't even look at the "half-sister" that eventually lost her life at the hands of Claude (does that not ring a red alert for her?). Jeanette may not be evil (although she is made of dark magic and unnatural), but she has a very fundamental human characteristic, she's selfish...she wants her happy ending, and that may not align with Athy's happy ending. Once Jeanette realizes that...who knows.

Athy clearly has power, I wish she would use it more to her advantage or that Lucas would arrive and take her away.
Jun 1, 2019
Goodness gracious, i know most people dislike jenette, but athy can straight up confront jenette with the truth too.
Also, is the tree branch still stuck in lucas ass because it is taking forever for him to come back.
Apr 11, 2019
This amnesia arc that was just a bittersweet but rlly fluffy moment for Claude and Athy in the novel. They shouldn't have changed the plot of the manwhua if they're just gonna drag it like this. I love Jettie and all, but if they want to focus on her, they should've picked some other arc hhhhh
Jun 2, 2019
@SaphireE90 Nah, plenty of people hated on her before, is less now, I remember even when the site had password one of the passwords was "Jeannette did nothing wrong" so just the haters could write that, the hate is real, but is true we all are for Athy.

In the original story Clause killed Athy without feeling a little bit of remorse, using that to hate on her is dumb, but at the end people are entailed to feel what they feel, non less they have to admit they are making a toxic environment for other people, is not so nice to read "tHaT BITCH" and things much worse.
In the original history Jeannette did feel bad, she was the heroine after all, she still had her happy ending regardless
Oct 21, 2019
omg don't hate on jeannette please she does not know anything smh.

i miss Claude with Athanasia gahhhh
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
Alas, I see that the new chapter update is still not true to the novel. I shall return when the comments giveth the sign.
I really hate that they're putting in all these fillers. It's been too long and they're dragging out a reunion that should've happened already.
Also... where our boi Lucas? I'm resigned to stare at old pages on Pinterest because this won't progress.
Oct 13, 2019
@Cloverfr She might have felt bad, but she didn't really do anything to save an innocent person, one who allegedly was her sister, now did she? Rather a poor excuse for a heroine, and it doesn't change the fact that she was selfish (nothing wrong with that, she looked out for her own interests, just like any of us would), but it doesn't give the reader much of a reason to like her, does it?

I agree some people go overboard with the hate and insults (especially since she hasn't done anything truly bad or with malicious intent towards Athy), but she has become an eyesore and has done nothing to help her sister. She enjoys having fun with her father, while having the princess as a playmate in her house (her reaction when she found out she was no longer the only person who knew Athy's secret is very telling of her true nature), she wants things to go her way, and just because she's all smiles, watery eyes and confused stares doesn't make her blameless.

Are the insult towards Jeanette too much? Yes, but it doesn't bother me because I don't care for the character (she brings nothing to the story, nor Athy's arc, Jeanette is not her ally).
Do I blame the ones saying it? No, I blame the manga storyboard writers who have prolonged this arc and caused discontent towards a, yes innocent secondary character, but otherwise irrelevant person who should not be the focus of a story causing it to drag on (and straying from the novel). The focus should be Athy and her journey, plus her relationship with the others.

The Jeanette and former dead/not dead emperor (aka her dark magic daddy) centric arc is stale, boring and repetitive. Nothing is happening in the story. It is worst than Dragon Ball z, where it takes 50 episodes for them to defeat an opponent's first form and still have 2 more transformations to go.
Oct 13, 2019
Curious question.
A lot of people are saying they love/like the Jeanette character. I'm curious as to why? What characteristics about her make you favor that particular character?

For me at least her character is a weak mary sue prototype and I cannot see any redeeming qualities, except that she's there and "innocent". What make you guys like her then?

Serious question, maybe I'm just not looking at her character in a different or objective way, without letting my favoritism of Athy get in the way.

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