you know how jeannette is "loved by all" in the lovely princess? well, it was because of her black magic. she doesn't know she's doing it, but her magic makes everyone attracted to her. jennette later on becomes a bitch who gets jealous of athy and since ijekiel liked athy and she liked ijekiel and since she was sad that her feelings weren't returned, she wanted to make ijekiel unhappy too. the lucas x athy ship will sail as there will be a shit ton of moments (i love the scene in the novel where athy was like, "go, lucas! i choose you!" cuz wow that pokemon reference). and those adorable lucas x athy moments were everyone be screaming, "THE SHIP WILL SAIIIIIIIL!" jennette went to prison in the original novel after she tried to reveal her true identity to claude but failed after claude realized she was the daughter of penelope and anastacius. in the original novel, the antagonist was aeternitas, who ate all his ancestors to get good magic power.