That story about the medical-witches i don't buy it, i won't say that it isn't possible that some crazy witches played with the concepts that they spoke here but to me, this is just one more case of winners writing story as they want and not as it really happened.
This dude gets it. And the manga itself has provided proof in the past why you shouldn't trust one god damn thing that these pointy hatted fucks has to say about the past:
Chapter 15
Here's my speculation: the Pointed Hats were behind the Day of Conspiracy, but it was probably for FAAAAAR less reasons than altruism and more for the reason of consolidating their power and secrets so that they would have a monopoly on it. After all, they're paranoid about people even finding out that magic has anything to do with drawing despite the fact that literally only one kind of special ink made in a certain way can be used - it's to the point where commoners that were even obsessed with magic, like Coco, thought it was some mystical power that you were born with.
Enter the Medical Witches. Which were probably more actually concerned with their ability to treat patients and save lives rather than play magical nobility. They opposed, steadfastly, the Pointed Hats. We know this for a fact. Wouldn't it be interesting, then, that the Pointed Hats made an example and boogeyman out of them by claiming that they were magical Josef Mengeles and doing human experiences with magic on skin and thus banned that to stop anyone from finding out the truth and/or opposing them?
All Seeing Eye Dude said that the Pointed Hats were the ones that were the true villains that were playing the part of virtuous saviors. I don't think you should trust what he says, but I think he might be telling a bit of the truth, there.