World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent - Vol. 11 Ch. 59

Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2019
Eh...just eh... what's the point of being so op if u still have to jump thru hoops to solve shit, the author really doesn't know how to write op character stories bc what's happening now is the usual writing of a MC having to jump thru hoops to achieve something when op mcs r supposed to make the whole process a lot shorter and concise, bc well, they're goddamn op...
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2021
Thank you for the mass update and for the tl!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2023
I feel as tho the problem with this story is the fact that we have really only ever been shown that mc is op and that all threats are really nothing to him... if they really wanted us to be engrossed in this they should've shown him lose and grow early on or go the route of superman vs lex Luther where's its more brains vs brawn (granted I feel it's too late for that turn of events). But I guess because it's the way of isekai protagonist to just be op for whatever reason we will never get that
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Thanks for the mass release but what cliff hanger man how they going to hurt and try to kidnap MCs girl he is going to destroy the holy city lol
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2020
It feels like Sirius is putting people through emotional trauma in the guise of teaching.
Yes. And? Quite often the only way to teach people a thing is to have them experience the results of their actions first.

Sirius is extremely protective of his "family", but he is also a very strict taskmaster, who is not afraid to visit bodily harm to his pupils to make a point.
Or let bodily harm visit them if they ignore what he's trying to teach. He's a Master in Emotional Damage...

And the World, either ours or theirs... isn't a Nice Fluffy Place that insta-rewards Acts of Defiant Heroïsm.
Quite the contrary, as the are finding out, despite Sirius' warnings and quite explicit instructions.

They're not in immediate mortal danger, so Sirius isn't acting right now.
He's allowing them to have a little lesson in Life. Particularly the "Don't Storm In Blindly And Expect To Get Away With It." one.

Harsh? Maybe... But this world is, in many ways, quite harsh and dangerous.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
so many complaints holy fuck, its not like you can't understand the situation of what you're reading.

Thanks for translations

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