It's basically "non issues blown out of proportion" the series. A great self insert for all of the friendless degenerate losers in the world that think they're smart.
@loliceforce I knew something was up with this series and you nailed it. Everything is a huge drama and almost every single character is a complete pain the ass. I skipped something like 20 chapters and nothing seems to have changed.
@Robinisback the main difference is that this Manga follows the anime,which is a broad adaptation of the ln with cuts while the other one follows the ln faithfully
You know that prom arc wasn't so bad at the start from the actual character interactions until the ham-fisted problem appeared. Funny enough when the manga questions artificiality while having it's main conflicts the most artificial section of the story.
Never bothered to read this because of people complaining about the ending. If somebody thinks this is worth/not-worth the read due to the ending, let me know. I'm just reading "Hiratsu Cute, Shizu Cute" without any context knowledge in the meantime.
I can't comprehend the complains about the ending as I dropped it right after the first chapter.
Normally I won't do so and read a little further but that completely idiotic teacher figure and this lame complying MC (which I really liked right at the beginning) really put me off.