Yakudatazu Skill ni Jinsei o Sosogikomi 25-nen, Imasara Saikyou no Boukentan Midori Kashi no Akira - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Story Hereafter and the Two's…

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@mommunism you're thinking too literally, the stasis is an effect on the girl, a closed system, the outside time going by does not affect her at all. She is stopped at the moment she died. Turn back time for her a few seconds, and that bubble is gone, she wasn't frozen, she's still a second from dying.

As for the support classes, I think they would normally be power leveled by the party, letting them get the last hit on a monster, but only if it's a useful class. MC seems to only be able to repair things immediately after they take damage, and then only when the items are related to monsters, now when connected to battle. It's not something that would normally be valued enough, for someone to invest their time into leveling.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@CountryMage How many times do I have to explain this? *If stasis is a closed system, it cannot be cancelled from within.* It does not make sense to cancel it with restoration if it freezes restoration time. It's a complete impossibility, a classic paradox. It's really not complicated.

If you think a support class can be power leveled by a party, why would you have ever made the contention that "grinding skill points can't be done as a party," rather than saying the what you are now? Also, this argument isn't even about the MC. I said that other people would've easily reached the level cap with a party. There are tons of reasons they would be able to, whether they were born rich, friendly with strong people, or aware of the godlike powers at the end of the tree. I also think you're undervaluing immediate repairs in a dungeon, but that's irrelevant.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@mommunism mc is basically doing time travel, she is frozen at the moment where she can no longer be saved (through anything short of a miracle), he is going to that very moment, turning back time to before she was killed, and bringing her back with him.

I said a party couldn't grind levels, because they would basically need to take turns getting the kill, and most of the time it would still be the dps. You said it should have been quicker in a group, I was just trying to say he wouldn't have gotten that chance, and it would have taken more than 39 years, if he had.

MC's ability required him to get in contact with things within seconds of the damage, to be able to undo it. You can't make money doing repairs, if the only thing you can do with a broken sword, is remove the fingerprints from when it was handed to you. It's really only useful for his own gear, since his hands are on it as it chips.
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019

@Silwith Right, it would be logical for the stasis to break if you reverted time to before it started, but only if you're working with real-world time, not time that's frozen according to the stasis, which would make it paradoxical. If you were working with time according to the stasis (which is one-dimensional), you cannot revert or advance it out of the stasis itself, that doesn't make any sense because the stasis encompasses the timeline. Hence he must be working with time according to the world, hence he has to send her back 25 years, not mere minutes.

No, i think you think the wrong way here, if his Grandpas Stasis is a Time-Stop it does nothing for the target aside from stopping the flow of time, it does not necessarily "forbid" or "prevent" the use of other Time-Magic on the Target. Think of it more as "Time-Stop" and the other One "Time-Revert", than the Time-Stop would logically "overwrite" by the Time-Revert, because it gives a conflicting Command to the Target. There is no indication for me that the Magic of his Grandfather disconnects the Target from the real world (like, how would you transport her then ect), it only seems to stop her personal time, nothing more. (You could still stab her or use other Magic on her or things like this, its only that, as long its not other time magic or something that completly annihilates the body, she stays in this "about to die"-status)

Sure, if it where an encompassed System you would be right, then it most likely wouldnt work (but even then it would be possible if Restoration is a more "powerful" Skill then Stagnation, something with a higher Rank that can just "break" the other Spell.)
And it is logical that Healing Spells dont work, because they are a "process", that uses Time, which isnt possible if time doesnt flow, but his Restoration only reverts that time from this point, is doesnt seem to need any process in/on the target before that.

So, your arguments are understandable, but there are possibilities where it works, especially since there is no "proof" for us that it works like in your theory ^^
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@CountryMage I cannot possibly explain the stasis thing in simple terms. You're 100% wrong, but I give up on this point.
I said THE HEALER would grind in a party, you were refuting that, not that the entire party can't grind together, which is a moot, irrelevant topic. There is no reason the dps would get most of the kills, and I don't care whether you think HE wouldn't have gotten that chance because, AGAIN, you were refuting my point about OTHER healers.
This is my last response.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Silwith I did not say the stasis prevents other time magic. I said that if it stops time for restoration magic, restoration magic cannot cancel it. Like I told the guy above though, I do not care to explain this anymore. It's a really simple contradiction. Talking to people who can't understand it for this long is not worth my time.

Edit: The stasis is a closed timeline by definition. It starts in real time and never changes, so it must end in real time.
Aggregator gang
Apr 7, 2019
@mommunism But the Spell is called "Stagnation", not Stasis, so we dont even know if it is a "real" Stasis. And while his Spell is called "Restoration" we know that its NOT a restoration/healing-Magic in a own sense, but simply a Time-Revert-Magic, so if both are simply Time-Magics one would just overwrite the other.
(So yes, simple "healing"/"Restoration" magic in the normal sense wouldnt have any effect on a timestopped target, im with you there)

I dont know if he understands what you mean, but i do, the point for me is that you may start from the wrong assumption in the first place and you seem to see this assumption as a fact, instead of aknowledging that there are other possibilities, where it would work logically :)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@mommunism seriously, how can you not get it? The stasis makes a snapshot of the girl dying, MC uses his bullshit time power, to rewind time in the snapshot, snapshot was now never taken.

Other healers are valuable members of a group, they can heal injuries, maybe high level healers heal deeper wounds, and max level healers raise the dead, maybe just maybe, they can even "heal" gear, if all skill trees have a god class max level power. MC on the other hand, can only undo damage happening within arm's reach, if caused by a monster, and not on living creatures, that's why he couldn't heal his own wounds until now.
Double-page supporter
Oct 13, 2018
@Silwith When I said "by definition," I did not mean the definition of "stasis," I meant the definition of a closed environment, which I then qualified. My description fits the scenario whether it's a stasis or a "stagnation," and my argument does treat restoration as a time reverter. It does seem like you actually understand what I'm saying more than the rest of the thread, but I reject that there are any other possibilities for what is clearly a closed, one dimensional timeline, regardless of its name. The time magics can only overwrite from the same timeline.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 7, 2019
God, must be frustrating for both parties, girl just wants to pick up where they left off. Though, if he gets enough skill points, could he perma-rewind his age so he doesn't look and feel like a dirty old man?
Group Leader
Jan 19, 2018
The ol' elf landlady is my kind of waifu.

This guy is basically Dr. Strange with the Eye of Agamotto/Time stone.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
You guys arguing about stasis/stagnation restoration should try Chrono Trigger. There was a plot element that correlates to what happened here pretty well.
Jan 18, 2018
why doesn't he restore himself to a younger age
Aggregator gang
Dec 11, 2018
this feels so nostalgic, yet im not sure why. . .
Aggregator gang
Oct 14, 2018
HUUUH, So a boss that is cheekily healing itself to full just get rofl stomped cause it gets restored to excessively damage.
Nov 26, 2018
wh-what? wait a minute, he can restore other people just like that so can he just restore any enemy become a baby?

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