Yakudatazu Skill ni Jinsei o Sosogikomi 25-nen, Imasara Saikyou no Boukentan Midori Kashi no Akira - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Story Hereafter and the Two's…

Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Rheeve Totally agree. Was think more if his soul could be damaged, would he be able to fix it? Restore to just before the damage, not affecting his skilltree. We know he can restore his physical body without losing skill points, since he fixed his arm that was hurt way before getting enough points to max out.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@MagiciansBlack Right, so it's the entire object reverting, which means he can turn anything into dust. Incredibly overpowered, he's basically a god. This means we're to believe that people with a godlike class have been born in the past and yet the world still has issues all over the place. Not remotely plausible.

@Leo80221 Right, so he restored them to a state where they were hardly drunk at all and they just completely collapsed, which he says is because they're "dead drunk." Not really plausible, even as a solution to a minor point of my original argument. It's just awfully written if this is the case.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2019
lolol she immediately goes in for a kiss when he wakes up, they are so cute together. This has a way more interesting premise than most fantasy isekais/reincarnations/whatevers, I'm gonna have to follow this for a while.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
Right, so it's the entire object reverting, which means he can turn anything into dust. Incredibly overpowered, he's basically a god. This means we're to believe that people with a godlike class have been born in the past and yet the world still has issues all over the place. Not remotely plausible.
Yet in the beginning he could just revert an object back for around 10 seconds back and it could not target anything living. And it took 25 years of pure grind to get it to the point it could target living things. I'd be hard pressed to call that godlike, as he was in the beginning he could at most act as an item-repairer.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Rheeve You would be hard pressed to call a class godlike when it basically makes you a god after 25 years of hard work? That means the average person with this class would be able to turn anything into dust by merely touching it after like 35, maybe 40 years, like half the average lifespan on earth. Then they can revert their age forever, living as a god for eternity, able to both heal and destroy anything they want. You would be hard pressed to call THAT godlike?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@mommunism You completely ignored my entire comment....... I said that they had stopped drink when he arrived, but they obviously had been previously, so at the time he came in they were mostly sober but tipsy. He restored them back to when they were dead drunk while they were still drinking, which would've had to have been hours before. It's really not that hard to understand, and I can only repeat this explanation of this obviously very subtle and nuanced imagery's explanation so many ways. Also, you do understand that his skill is useless for fighting right? It only applied to monster items until it reached level 10, and you need to kill monsters to level up your skills, which means you would need to either kill hundreds of thousands of really weak monsters or try killing stronger monster with only weapons that probably aren't gonna be insanely powerful, which is likely to just get you killed. Anyone with that kind of skill would likely not even try since it would be hard as fucking hell, and people tend to be fucking self-hating in these kinds of world, because of abuse by people who think they're superior because they have a powerful skill. He only did it because he had the goal of saving the girl that saved his life 25 years prior.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Leo80221 No matter how you see it I could've only ignored like maybe 2 words from your comment, but I actually didn't. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you meant they had just stopped drinking when he walked in and he restored them to that point, because if that isn't what you were saying your point is entirely irrelevant to my original comment. This still means he was restoring them to a state he was never aware of in the first place. He doesn't know how drunk they got or when it happened, they could've just had a single drink minutes before he walked in. You're telling me anyone with his skill wouldn't even TRY to be godlike, because "it's just too hard." If he can do it in like a third of his life, someone else can easily do it in like half of theirs, especially with a party.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
So what is the proof that he can actually turn anything he touches to dust? Sounds more like theorycrafting to me to be quite honest. Furthermore, what's to say that his class isn't a fucking rare occurrence and no one has pushed it as far as he has? What's to say it isn't the first instance for that matter?
Active member
Feb 27, 2019
people talking shit about a skill that makes any weapon eternal. he is a must to any top notch group, where their things would cost whole states, and when broken would give people pain in their soul (wallet). imagine having such ability, even if limited by a certain amount per day, one simple need to chose right what to reserve, and the result is a lot of money (gained or saved). his skill isn't simple and abstract enough to have few applications, so it is off putting to some, me included the fact he doesn't seem to use it to the max (or the world itself). but this i put in the author, he is simple making something easy to understand and digest (and write and draw). would involving such complicated concepts and potential be worth it? it needs a lot more skill and patience and time than following the over cooked route and simplified route.
however expecting a masterpiece from such genre is a bit naive, so i really can't feel strongly about that. i do have a weird impression of the story in general tho, but i can't really pinpoint what it is. from the moment the girl got out of the closet everything seem creepy. this should be a happy go moment, begin of a journey, but it doesn't feel like that. a bit weird.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Rheeve He can turn something back to a previous state. Everything was dust at one point. He turns the girl's state back multiple decades. He also uses this multiple times on his knife, so it's repeatable. Furthermore, his skill tree isn't an "occurrence." The first chapter says that the priests choose the skill tree, and to suggest nobody has pushed it as far as he has in only 25 years is ridiculous.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
He turns the girl's state back multiple decades.
That is false. He turn her back to the state before she got her neck cut. Until then she had been frozen in time by the old man so in her case it had been maybe 30-60 min.

The first chapter says that the priests choose the skill tree, and to suggest nobody has pushed it as far as he has in only 25 years is ridiculous.
No, the Gods grants the skill tree. The priests identifies which tree it is.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Rheeve 1) Irrelevant since it's repeatable, but still not correct. He would obviously have to revert her to before she was frozen in order to unfreeze her (i.e. the freeze skill cannot be freezing her state in restoration time, since it's affected by the restoration skill).
2) "39 years ago, the priests . . . . gave him a skill." Why not just check before spouting nonsense? It's one chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018

Same chapter. Sounds more to me that it's something he was born with and the priest identified.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Rheeve I guess one of the two is a translation error or something. Still, seems infinitesimally unlikely that it's rare enough for this to be the first occurrence or even one of a few. Throughout all of history any person with the tree could survive forever without much difficulty. The people around him also seem to treat it as mundane, as it is in most other stories.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
The people around him also seem to treat it as mundane. It's a mundane skill in most other stories as well.
Which is why I am led to believe that he might be the first one to actually Autisticly grind it all the way to the end.
Otherwise it would be logical to believe that there is some limit to the age-reversal, like the soul burns out after enough time.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Rheeve That doesn't really hold ground when you consider the fact that his whole skill tree was known from the beginning (his grandfather tells him what he needs to level to). I would also think any decent adventurer would reach the end by accident over the course of their lives.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
His grandfather only tells him that the true power of the skill(True power of the Time God, I think the phrasing was) manifests at the 10th level. Not what result it will bring. MC literally mentions that he is betting on a wish.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2018
I would also think any decent adventurer would reach the end by accident over the course of their lives.
Assuming those who had the skill before chose to be Adventurers. As mentioned the skill wasn't suited to that occupation, which also led to him having no help killing monsters either.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@Rheeve When he says the MC needs "the time god's true power" directly after the MC complains about the 10 second time limit, it seems to me like he pretty clearly knows what's going to happen. He also doesn't say "that might be another story if you level," he says "if you raise your level, that IS another story." I read the betting on a wish thing as him not knowing whether he can even reach level 10 (as it's directly preceded by him saying things were getting tougher with his hand) or not knowing if the girl was alive enough to revive.

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