I wasn't the one to complain, but I guess I don't mind giving you examples from this chapter. I also noticed the incorrect hyphenation, but it doesn't bother me too much, personally.
You can use a site like
wordhelp.com/syllables to check the syllables whenever you have to hyphenate to fit in bubbles.
In my translations, I tried my best to avoid hyphenating as much as possible since it can be jarring. Especially if it's separated wrongly. Usually, you can get away with fitting stuff by just making the font smaller.
Anyway, here's what I found in this chapter:
View attachment 17286
View attachment 17289
View attachment 17292
View attachment 17295
Should be "Expan
View attachment 17298
View attachment 17310
or-dered: This one tends to throw me off as well. You'd think it's
or-der-ed because you just add
ed to
order, but the syllables are actually how it's pronounced, not how it's conjugated. So it's hyphenated
or-dered because it's pronounced
View attachment 17304
View attachment 17307pre-pared: Another case of hyphenation by pronunciation, in this case pronounced
And that's about it. Hope that helps.
PS. Now
this is constructive criticism,