If it makes you feel better, I too once racked up some 100E fees on mobile internet, back before 3G was even a thing. Wasn't allowed to use the phone for anything but emergencies for awhile, lol.
@Sonorian Scanlation is basically free. However, we never claimed that stupidity is free. In fact, stupidity can be quite expensive.
@RGnt He's not actually in Oulu right now, though I think he will be tomorrow. He's at a cottage in the middle of nowhere right now. No WiFi there, and I'm pretty sure there's barely LTE there.
@ReimuHakurei One way or the other, uploader earned a few points from me. That pricetag (regarldless of it being discovered after the fact) has earned props from me. Trust me, that's hard to get.
@ReimuHakurei there is few very small aras in Finland that are not covered by LTE, but not having WiFI that I do understand. And as a tip for him, he should get Saunalahti PrePaid card (~7€ includes 5€ credit on it), with that there is 50/50 4G for max 1€ a day and 19.99€/month with unlimited bandwidth. And if the tablet/phone is sim locked with cheapo 4G router it should be around 59€ (still cheaper ) Both of which can be bougth from either R-Kioski (chain of small stores) or Elisa/Saunalahti stores.
@RGnt No, that's the most hilarious part... If he had simply used his phone instead, he has free unlimited international data roaming on that. It just costs $0.03/MB on the iPad, which he didn't realize.
@RGnt the hilarious part was when we were at my apartment fetching my stuff. I asked monkey if I should bring my Cisco 819-4G LTE Router with active sim card, 2504 WLC and 1142 AP for the cabin network, but "You can just tether to my tablet.".
@Nihilist1 "budget" and "plan" are unheard words during this trip.
@kuma nah, all of us were just laughing about it including monkey.
@RGnt also yes the LTE coverage is generally pretty good but once you go outside of wolf border then it can be really spotty, especially if you're in a log cabin 20km from nearest city or cell tower.