Man, that Seto needs to work on his throwing... There's 'being bad' at it, and then there's 'I literally can't throw'. I genuinely don't think I've met a dude under the age of 7 at his level. He just needs a little practice, though. Not a big deal, really.
I'm more concerned with how oblivious he is and his lack of self-esteem. I think people who get too irritated by Seto when reading this may see a reflection of themselves through his insecurity. His mindset is certainly something I think everyone can relate to at times. I just think it's a combination of two things that really makes it stand out: First, his level of insecurity and lack of self-esteem is exceedingly high -- we very rarely see him evaluate himself highly, for anything. Second, he's always in juxtaposition to Anjou who, if we're being real, is next level; almost an ideal partner in every way. It's very easy to be bothered when she makes such a genuine attempt to convey her feelings in all ways besides explicitly saying it. Anyone would desire to be put in the same situation as him.
It's funny, too. In my life I've been very 'intimate' just over a dozen girls, but even still, to this day, I think about when I was young and a few of the girls I knew with certainty liked me, and that I really liked, that I was too insecure to approach and make a move on. I think it's pretty normal for anyone.