Im a refugee from shounen tiredness and yeah i feel for the argument that using cliche trope gets boring but gotta remember, most of manga authors are not experienced writers with vast amount of experience but most are fairly new one with not much writing experience to make amazing nuanced story. Imagine drswing and coming up with a story on a monthly/weekly basid. Damn that stress. So they will use whatever trope, cliche, or anything they can grasp to make a story that is interesting for them or their public which are japanese teens, young adult. So those kids wouldnt rly be tired of reading this trope since maybe most of them are reading stories for the first time. None of them would be tired af reading same nakama pushing each other, epic comeback on villains after getting beat, falling for nice good looking prince, female mc getting bullied by villainess and getting saved by the prince stories.
And u know.... We basically dont pay for these story unlike the supposed audience so thats prolly why most of us are tired. We read too much of these lool with no other consequence but Time and i guess we'd be more careful of what we read if we had to payfor what we read.
I dont rly have anything new to say, guess i feel for the comment complaining that this is getting too boring as it follows the typical shoujo trope but yeah we can't rly do much about it xD i guess buy physical copy of the ones we actually like? Read other genre? I'm currently about to move to horror now because Shoujo is getting too shoujo-y for me and ive read way too much. So if any of u peeps have some suggestion pls droo em, like and subscribe and support me on patreon <3