Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 7 Ch. 34

Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2019
It has just occured to me that they stopped translating it with the Royal We.

In other news, that level 3000 reveal was a serious "Oh shit" moment.
Aug 19, 2020
Her interacting with the world with her true power if like trying to interact with a insanely fragile globe of the earth that can collapse with a touch

meaning, if she tried to smite mc, she might kill/destroy everything
Aug 19, 2020
So spoilers, you been warned

So, this is technically not an isekai or a genderbender, the mc and lufasu are the same person, just one has access to more information and such than the other.
the mc, made a incarnation thing on earth while in hiding, and basically just 1 uped the goddess at every level, sorry poor description, just know, the two are the same people, and she actually sealed herself on earth for the 1 up
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Every time a serious fight comes up it gets more insane. I'm interested to see if our MC from Earth will be reappearing after Lufusa has taken over. Perhaps she can only use the fullness of our power for a limited time, and he'll come back the rest of the time?

Very glad to see ol Benet turn down the Godess, though I'm surprised that the Godess put up with that. As the Godess is the observor, she may have decided to just let things play out and consider it a fun twist.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 5, 2019
From an mmo perspective this is making even less sense, normally someone who has one class at 400 would wipe the floor with someone who has every class at 200. All-rounding just isn’t viable at endgame.
Sep 13, 2018
@tigerstar186 i never read novel so this is just an assumption according to context from this chapter: in this "game", the overall level is determined by the sum of the individual class levels which are only responsible for stacking up the stats and some specific abilities. so combat power is determined by [stats>>>classes>>>>>>level]. a level 400 strider might add a ton more agility than at level 200 but lufasu has 8 more classes at level 200 which all provide some modicum of agility. this is why even their respective agility stats are on par while lufasu's other stats are all 2x-3x higher. of course, you could argue that a level 400 strider should have gamebreakingly superior movement skills that a level 200 can only dream of but there doesn't seem to be much, if any, exhibitions of such skills being shown throughout this manga. everything was determined by who hits harder while still being able to 'sidestep' their opponent's attacks which, in the end, is all up to the speed provided by the agility stat.
Aug 28, 2020
I'm a bit confused about Mafalu at this point. The dude that reincarnated at her body is still there right? So when he said "thank you for waking me up" and she broke through level 3000, does that mean that the Real Mafalu came back from wherever she was? or is that dude still in her body?
Aggregator gang
Feb 8, 2018
I read this chapter with the Sephiroth Track from FF7 Advent Children in the background. No regrets.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2018
@hibugji well if you want explanation here but becareful since this is a spoiler from wn and since it been a long time when i read the wn there probably some difference because it is a wn
he is a being created by lufas and dina (if i remember right the blue haired girl) the one who copied his memory in to lufas body when she got summoned to the kingdom

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