Yeon Lok Heun - Vol. 1 Ch. 37 - A Gentle Breeze

Jul 12, 2019
Sep 10, 2019

I did a quick google, it looks like the ebooks (via google books) /online version are all in Korean. You can find links to both here:


Sep 28, 2019
Thank God the other girl did not get there. That was all I could think about jesus christ
Feb 13, 2019
@apa IKR??
Me wonders if the hotness emotions from both parties are from the result of the Late Emperor's curse/evil spirit? 🤔
Beautiful scenes tho! 😘

Thanks for translating what is, I think, a pretty awesome series! <3
Mar 17, 2020
Sure the art is pretty, but god was this disappointing.
They set everything up so that MC would gradually earn ML's love while it literally was they got all hots and had sex with a one night stand the moment she appeared like a female in front of him. Yeah, sure, she had a crush on him already from the blushing in previous eps. Sure, she goes with the flow and haves sex. Fine. But the lack of logic behind all of this is what gets me. She literally she just decides to have sex on a whim and then runs???
Fated lovers (yes I remember that was a thing they said when she got the sword. But I didn't know it meant THIS)? Love at first sight? Please. Not this again. I was reading this b/c female MC seemed independent and strong-minded. Here she was just like 'oh yeah im scared but go ahead. that's cool, imma ditch you afterwards tho'
Hello, character development? Subtle romance? Um, where did you go?
MCs who are usually thoughtful only thought with their nether regions for approx 4 chs?

And yeah, I don't even need to see the raws to predict that there will probably be more 'oh he doesn't really know who i am' drama even after they already had a one night stand...Not saying it had to be the other usual, which is the ML being all wishy-washy for like 100 chapters b/c he fell in love with "a man", but there were so many other ways to go about this. For one, honest conversation. Two, he doesn't immediately want to f*ck her at first sight. Honestly that bothers me the most. Sure, MC was already interested, but ML is THAT interested out of nowhere, as long as she's a female appearance??? What??? I would have tolerated it if he was just curious/interested in her from the get-go, but he went straight for the meat. It really makes it seem that above all dregs of interest he might have in her personality, above it all is just her body, that is what attracted him.
I feel like another way of putting it is that they literally shoehorned the main romance. The romance factor was at like maybe a 2/10 before all this, action/fantasy was clearly the main thing. It gave me the impression that they were gonna go in logical steps, little sign posts of progress, might I say. Yet, in this one chapter they have amped up the romance to a stunning 10/10 using 'I wanted to have sex with you at first sight'. It seems that they are going to dramatize it from now on when the tragic backstories of all these characters had plenty of drama already.

I don't get MC's thinking either. If she had doubts about being able to continue her current life once she 'went beyond the point of no return' as she called it, then why just let yourself go there then run away from the responsibility like a little pansy? But oh~ woe is me~ the temptation was too great for her~. Literally in every other situation she's been determinedly conquering obstacles, so of course when it comes to her romance with the ML she has to be swept off her feet like some innocent flower. If she was gonna take this step I've got nothing against it, but she ought to have owned up to it. She should've been like "I'm that one guy you gave your damn sword to b*tch, you don't recognize me? And guess what I'm gonna keep being a b*das* female MC so don't even try to set me up for any of this wife stay-at-home BS. I'll have sex with you when I feel like it. Peace out yo" <-- Am I the only one who thinks it would be astounding if something even vaguely similar to that happened?

Anyway, this was annoying, but good fodder for thought at 1 am. I'm done now.
Feb 9, 2020
@Lifeatitsfinest ; there is 5 tomes ; use Papago to translate korean to english. you'll see, it's a beautiful story!
here it is :
Mar 13, 2019
She have to run, if not the story won't rolling 😌 this chapter is nice, thank you for translating
May 6, 2019
Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I actually feel pretty bad for the other girl... Like she has been trying to get the emperor's favour but then all of a sudden this 'fate' pops up... Like damn that must be pretty bad for her
Aug 13, 2019
@Cerain yes for the original, season one is over. I think it ended at around chapter 40? But season 2 is ongoing and already reached chapter 71. In fact, I think that the current cover art is actually for season 2... I think(?)
Mar 22, 2019
@Asterris I don't particularly care.

I actually am kinda satisfied with this one night stand thing. From the beginning I knew that this was fast paced and didn't know how to allocate time to important plot lines. I had no expectations. Frankly I expected this to handle the romance worse. Sure it's the one night stand format but this entire thing was like that. This spent WAY too much time on her backstory.It spent WAY too much time on her time in the cave (or maybe not enough (but maybe it would have been a different manhwa otherwise)). And it spent WAY too much time on that blood pearl thing. There was no romance in any of those parts. There was almost no way it could have handled romance properly at this point so I'm just glad it arrived.

I mean I WANTED that the king knew she was a girl all along but alas. Now he seems kind of ignorant somewhat but... My expectations aren't too high for this thing. Your expectations shouldn't be either. Give up your ambitions and come to the mediocre side with me. We are all only here for the art. I guess I was waiting for the promised romance too see if it would crash and burn execution wise but that's me. THE MAJORITY of us just loves the sparkles and pretty people.
Mar 17, 2020
@RubyG8396 Nah, I agree with you fam. From the start the pacing of this story has been way off, I could write a whole nother essay on that. It spent so long on blood pearl and backstory I think I raised my expectations that this story would be more an action with romance subplot?? And yeah, at @Aiiecha2169, these stories usually never treat the side girls right. I mean, usually they make them the biggest b*tch in history, other times its like this where they obviously have good intentions but for some reason get nothing for it.

Sometimes I'm just in the mood to critique the large amount of mediocre stories that I read. Yesterday at 1-1:30 am was one of those times. It seems like some people enjoyed it though!
So I'm gonna read a few more chapters, try and see what directions it will go after this. If it's too much dumb fated lovers drama then I'm out, if it's more action/fantasy stuff like blood pearl etc. then I'll see...
Mar 22, 2019
@Asterris Be careful there. Your standards are too high. You may just get hurt. You've just gotta appreciate this manga for what it is and not what you expect it to be. You've gotta live in the moment. Don't look at overall story arc or characterisation or any of that. Don't even treat it like a story. Just a bunch of related oneshots. Yes that's right. No overarching storyline to follow. Just live in the moment.

Besides, I'm pretty sure this thing is ending soon. This whole wish for action probably isn't going to be fulfilled. I read manhua everyday. I'm used to poorly written stories. You should just accept this for the poorly written piece of disappointment this really is. That's all I'm saying.

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