What an unnecessary arc😑. Unentertaining and just so off to read about. And, I'm sorry, but, this is fact, men handle this sitch waaaaay differently than women, so it's hard to even understand the complete mental breakdown here. Again, facts, not sexism. If it wasn't facts, every fkn prisoner in the US correctional system would have severe ptsd from ACTUALLY BEING repetitively r*ped (which, they don't. They adapt. That's how men cope... well, older gen men anyway. Again, facts, not agism. New gen delas with different shit. Old gen HAD to deal with horrible situations that this new gen couldn't even possibly fathom. Point is, this dude is too OLD to be in this new category of getting PTSD just because he was immobilized for a single minute. It's too outrageous to be believable, too controversial, so don't include it. It's already been proven the dude's an old man on the inside, through amd through, so to jump to a feminine personality right here and only here, nah, sorry, it just don't fit).