Youjo Senki - Vol. 16 Ch. 45 - Open Sesame II

Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
@FirenzeClipper after few years of tying down significant part of RN for a sweet price of literally fuckall

Binary nixie tubes
i mean, okay, but why
bulbs would've been more cost efficient
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 6, 2019
I still don't get how the empire would lose, if they lost this battle. They literally own whatever country used the 18th century tech, all their industry and all their treasury would be the Empires. Not to forget Norway, which was a rich country, big oil industry and many harbors, which would also open up a clear open trade with Sweden, for high quality steel enmasse. Not to forget, France has aged equipment, borderline useless, compared to the Empires equipment which is all top-of-the-line and brand new.

Edit: Oh yea, they also own denmark. Dunno if they're allied with Japan, Italy and Spain yet. But, when france falls, Germany has pretty much won.
Active member
Mar 11, 2019
@massenmann Since Tanya's shitting on Being X with that Bible verse, it should be rendered as the English version. Why would she be referring to the Kaiser when she says the Fatherland is protected by God beforehand?

@Wilhelm_Stenvall shiny toys don't beat an alliance of countries waiting for a reason to knock you down a peg.
Oct 4, 2018
@ecchiT The fatherland and the soldiers belong to the Kaiser.
It is the same context as the one when Jesus uttered the line originally: God and the emperor both have authority. But in this instance, it is the worldly ruler whose authority takes precedence. They are not there as saints to rely on the Lord's blessings as they spread the word of His love. They are there as the Kaiser's soldiers using the empire's modern weaponry to pulverize the enemy headquarters.
I admit that you have a point though. It is a bit ambiguous whether she is really using the quote to literally say something or only emphasizing that not everything is in the domain of God.
But one thing is for sure. She is not shitting on Being X. She would not refer to him with bible verses or call him a God. She is talking about the God that her fellow soldiers are familiar with.
Active member
May 10, 2020
@BlurEyes a certain chapter with two reporters. One of them said "why are you searching for the truth? To make it seem like the Empire lost?" No chapter said anything else.
Mar 14, 2018
Hi, @Miralisque, I know it's been quite a while since this chapter's release, and yet...

On p.14 the translation says "What's Caesar's goes to Caesar," which I think is the literal translation of the original text.


Thing is, what Tanya says is an actual biblical idiom "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's".
Since it's a stock phrase, it usually goes as is.

To compare, in the LN translation they, too, went with the stock phrase rather than literal translation, since, I guess, that's kind of a literary norm for such things.


I personally would be glad if you were to consider fixing that part to the more accurate one, but in any case thanks. Just wanted to note this one.

P.S. Inci-fucking-dentally, I was just rereading F/sn, and, following Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, here's another example:


Mar 14, 2018
It's kind of incredible just how strong magically Visha is. In one of the last chapters Tanya said to her that she has twice the others' mana capacity, but man, she's even calmer than major during the V-1's launch. I could rant about women withstanding physical pressure and pain better than men, or about Tanya having smaller body, but oh well, fact is, Visha Stronk.
Just compare her countenance on p.30 to others'.
Also I low-key think that the artist is a KSP fan, with all those side boosters, decoupling, and whatnot.
Did someone get the mural's reference on the bottom of p.34? Is it the Fall of Rome or something along these lines?
Hey, this ponytail, who looked like Gantz's friend back in Arene. I thought she was from another unit. It's manga original, as a lot of things here are, but man, this is such a subtle presence. Let alone being a female in this elite squad, she's part of the operation, which means she's at least top 12 among the whole unit. Way to go, ponytail!
Wow, look who we have here, our future reporter Andrew, photographing the realities of War. I may be mistaken, but I think he references a certain real life photographer from the Great War / WWII.


damn.. is that 30k ft or metres high?
It's obviously feet, even regular planes these days don't go 30km up. / Actually, it is feet, source: the same manga and LN.

The rise of Hitler is directly related to the lost and harsh surrender conditions that Germany had to endure
Not Hitler, the whole fascist movement gained popularity for a number of reasons, revanchism being one of them.
You're putting it as if Adolf Hitler was some evil genius mastermind that tricked the whole nation into supporting NSDAP. Sadly, it can't be farther from truth. He was an incredibly talented individual in some ways, but so were others around him. He was becoming of the system that that nation needed. Sadly, this system was quite immoral.

what I'm implying is that Tanya gonna be Hitler of this magic world
There's something really wrong with your knowledge of both the seires' world's and our history's if you think this way. Actually, such a statement could only be made by someone who doesn't know even the mere of basics the first half of the 20th century history. No offence, yet it's a shame. There's no Treaty of Versailles here, for starters.
Empire consists of other nations besides non-germans, hack, Tanya has a slavic name, and Visha is from non-Russia. This Empire has the Austro-Hungarian territory too, which is a key element, since contrasting to North Germany, AH consisted of a number of different ethnic groups, not mentioning the whole north germans not liking south germans thing. This Empire is basically Großdeutschland; the starting conditions for ethnic hatred here are drastically reduced.

just checked and Hitler was actually wounded and decorated with the Iron Cross... under the recommendation of his Jewish superior, Hugo Gutmann..

It wasn't that hard to check. Actually, he was considered somewhat brave during the war. Like many other soldiers.
Well, it's almost as if being the leader of the country that lost WWII and was very infamous for it's ethnic views and policies would really screw the whole future historical point of view about you.
It's been, like, what, 75 years since the War, and not being negative about him is still considered dangerously inappropriate in most societies.

I mean, most of the population around here (Russia) thinks that the only ones fighting Germany during WWII before D-Day were Soviets. Makes you think, huh?

Page 14, "What's Caesar's goes to Caesar". I believe this to be a bad translation.
See my previous message about this, if interested.

I still don't get how the empire would lose, if they lost this battle.
Goddamn pretty easily they would. The country leaders are not looking for ending this war, they're looking for winning it among growing international concerns about Empire's potential hegemony. It's not a superman, it's just one country, when pitted against all others. It already had a kind of a stalemate in the beginning of the series, being at war with just a few neighbors. War is incredibly demanding resource-wise, something Tanya says all the time. She did change the balance of power between them, but as in this very chapter Vianto says, she is just one soldier. It's not implied as ironical lampshading of her influence, it literally says us that no matter who she is, she can't single-handedly change things like this. She, after all, can only be at a place at a time.

I'm not sure if you checked any materials, but the Empire did loose the war, it was clearly stated in the Andrew chapters, in both LN and manga. What we are left to guess is how much did it loose. Was it just forcing them into disarming? Or did they literally dismantled the Empire? Or maybe it was a white peace after all?
May 24, 2020
@N0Mi0 About Visha, I think that's just the difference in personal circumstances.

In Tanya's opinion, she is a victim of Being X that is being directly targeted into suffering through hardships before meeting her death. So she is on the edge mentally during such critical situations when the danger is so close by, where she would fall right into the trap of Being X.

On the other hand, Visha doesn't have such fears as Tanya haunting her continuously in her mind. Moreover, she has great trust and faith in Tanya as her spiritual support. Tanya doesn't have any such support as she, at least in her opinion, is all alone fighting against the 'evil' being from destroying her life for his own personal (selfish) reasons.

Besides, we can never ignore the physical difference between the two. You seem to think that the 'difference in magic' led to the difference in their facial expressions (your comment about how strong magically Visha is). which is not exactly correct. Rather than who is better magically or physically, it's more about the difference in mentality, as I have explained above.

Frankly speaking, Visha's faith in Tanya is so great that it's quite easy to see why she seems so relaxed than others. I mean, just reread the whole 'manga' (ignore other forms of media for this series for argument as there have been significant differences among them so far which reduces there validity here), and you'll see how much influence Tanya has on her (Visha), the one who met Tanya before everyone else in her wing. Her faith in Tanya is deeper and greater than everyone else, likely due to various reasons such as being the earliest member under Tanya's command, being a girl like Tanya as well as closer to her age than anyone else (both are minors), being her adjutant who always follows Tanya around, allowing her to not only feel more comfortable as a person but also constantly feel Tanya's reliability and mightiness. Of course, all people have their own thoughts and personalities, so it's nothing surprising for A to have more faith in B than X, Y, Z even if they were in the same situation, so there's no need to explain the reason for such differences to begin with. That's just how humans were made to be, and that is exactly why two kids from the same family can be completely opposite in nature.

Also, do NOT underestimate the thing called "faith". It's what makes people to even happily and willingly self-destruct and sacrifice themselves for a certain goal. The greater your faith in someone or something, the more relaxed and fearless you are.
Faith is basically one of the greatest stimulant and anesthetic in the world, and Tanya is literally considered God's apostle or even someone like a God to the people in the wing. Is it really so hard to understand why Visha looks so calm? You can literally see her telling others to have faith in their Major; she's basically Tanya's high priest, so to say. She has her own 'God' to believe in, but Tanya got none other than herself to depend on, and is even fighting a so-called God. If you were a true believer of God, it's quite easy to understand her calmness; guess you aren't one for failing to understand her mindset. It's not about 'you don't feel', it's just that you 'ignore what you feel'.

In short, there is a tremendously great difference in the circumstances of the two, and there's similarly difference in the mentality of the rest of the wing members, so that was an inappropriate comparison made by you; unless you want us to believe that Visha is stronger than those men physically or stronger than Tanya magically, which are both completely out of the question. It would be nothing more than a joke for you to make such claims, after all. The 'stronk' Visha you see, is the Visha who is guarded mentally by the 'Great Wall of Tanya' (made by the bricks and stones of Eternal Victory, Supreme Leadership, Unmatched Reliability). The moment this wall collapses, you'll get to see the Visha who is not at all as 'stronk' as she seems to you now.
Mar 14, 2018
Hm, that's quite an interesting perspective, I must admit. Though, I am a bit sad that you went from objectively presenting another or, as I actually see it, a complimentary point of view, to basically saying that my basis is faulty. Still, I feel like mostly agreeing with you.

Now, let's immediately get some things of the way: "stronk" was obviously a lighthearted joke; and I am very mild in terms of atheism. Power of convictions is real, and I personally champion the idea that, whatever may that be, people are bound to have something they believe into. Really, I think with these two you were just being selective, as I don't see much in my commentary that would indicate that I am either a non-believer or that I didn't talk seriously about the matter.

With this pointed out, if one was to take Visha's comments a little bit serious, I can see where you are going from. Certainly, this is a possibility. And, hey, I even said that Tanya herself marked that Visha is unusually magically strong, you can't just ignore this. I could post you a screenshot, but I believe if you care to, you would check it for yourself (scene where Tanya saves falling Visha in one of the previous chapters).

While you ask to ignore other material, which is a solid take for this situation, I can say, as someone who enjoyed others too, the LN won't really help us here much. The original work is extremely dry on even the Tanya's characters herself, being mostly a military work. Most battle scenes are manga-original. Anime, well, let's just say it's a flashy depiction of some battles with nice OST, that's all.

To sum up, for some reason you created your reply quite in a defensive style, which wasn't really necessary, since what you're suggesting isn't contrary to what I suggested. If anything, I find your outlook curious, and, as I already said, I think it compliments the view I presented.
Oct 4, 2018
We have completely different reasons for judging the line to be a bad translation. So I'm not sure why you are tagging me when you are not even addressing my point. That is not to say your criticism is wrong.
Mar 14, 2018
...Well, sorry for disturbing you. I tagged you since we were touching the same topic, or something along these lines.
Apr 1, 2019
@Morihere You need to recheck that chapter then, because it specifically said "Then what will your narrative be? Portray the empire as the evil loser?" Just because they could be portrayed as the evil loser by postwar propaganda, doesn't mean they weren't losers.
Mar 27, 2020
Does she STILL go to church and pray even though she stopped using the Type 95 for basically forever? Is its corruption of her habits so permanent?

Or are these idiots just referencing something that became irrelevant ages ago?

OR is it a plot-hole?

And all that blathering about "the market" just seems stupidly contrived. Is that your real religion, Tanya? Capitalism? Put it on a fucking pedestal and worship a system of financial abuse? *Slow Claps*

Also I'm more than sick of all the misunderstandings. They really are forced now. The little girl borxed up her line due to mental corruption, they NOTICE the error... and... think fondly of it? Think they understand her true personality to be arbitrarily the opposite of what she is.... just like every other stupid, contrived misunderstanding since the start of the story.
This sort of thing would be funnier if it only happened rarely, but the way it happens CONSTANTLY in this manga version is beyond jarring.
Active member
Oct 7, 2019
man the anime didn't do justice to this amazing story. I love how it really goes into details instead of just mindless action.
PS those manga-haters are so goddamn annoying
Double-page supporter
Sep 8, 2019
Wait is that Andrew the Francois Soldier the same as the same Andrew the Reporter? Or am I wrong at that?
Aggregator gang
May 3, 2020
It's nice to see there is another girl joining Tanya's Wing now there are 3 in the wing
Active member
Oct 7, 2019
@Elilla the light novel came before the anime and the manga is a pretty faithful adaptation to it. So there wont be something like "changing the anime" because it isn't even the source material.

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