Not a jab at shoujo comics, but this comic just show how shallow the horde of shoujo comic really is. There's always space for shallow, fantasy fulfilment comics but following the formula to the letter is utterly shameless. I'm as guilty, really, watching Korean drama but I hope the creators have some level of shame, or growth as a professional and not trying to cash in on our vulnerability. The atypical "romantic stories" spend all their time polishing drama and forgot that character growth don't only happen because of dramatic events. Even worse, some stories forgo characters entirely. They are imported from a template, paste into a beautiful mould and be done with it. The school, slice of life shonen is not getting away well as well. They are set in school because it feels familiar, convenient. Almost everybody with income have been to highschool and its trial and tribulation. It's pure pandering to set it in school and the setting became the Vancouver of comics. In Yugami, the setting is school and it used it in spade. Chihiro struggle is a very teen problem, and so is majority of the cast. They are passing through a phase where they are still figuring who they are and learn to be comfortable with their problems. Yugami stood out because he's an old man in a teenage pelt. This deserves an animated series.