@youdontknowwho I was contemplating posting the entire volume in a single thread but I'm sure the captchas would have drove me to suicide before I could finish
and no, I'm not giving H*ro my shekels
translate up to chapter 80 then take an extended break. I still cry little bitch tears (does this term still exist?) whenever i read that chapter's conclusion.
After people were saying here that it'd be a "sadistic" move to pause after 80, I was preparing for the worst, but can only disagree now. It could read as an ending itself (if I didn't know there was another chapter), and I don't find it reeking of a cliffhanger.
This manga is really under-appreciated. It is also very underrated on myanimelist(a rating of 7.73, are you serious, was 7.67 2 months back, so atleast its increasing ). It should easily be 8.2+!!
I think and feel this is one of the best, if not the best, school life manga that I've ever read.
Just like rakugo, this manga is deeply meaningful yet extremely hilarious.
The moral of the story, both as a whole and as parts in each chapter, is overall very solid.
I can see that this manga is a product of genuine feelings, observations, and experiences.
I truly admire the writer and editor for their sensitivity to life & human connections.
But, I admit that it's almost impossible for a high schooler to fully grasp this manga.
Heck. I bet some college students & young adults surely had misunderstood this manga.
Just like rakugo & literature, you need to reach a certain level of "cultivation" first.
Therefore this manga is a perfect nostalgia for young adults.
For people who questioned the romantic development,
well, it's given.
it's no fun if the writer focused on the thing that's already obvious.
truth is stranger than fiction.
unlike real life (in a relative way),
good fictions always have rational or logical plots.
(i meant the structure, not the content).
therefore you could always rationalize or figure out the possible outcomes.
after all, a good fiction is a medium to convey good messages.
hints and allusions were given everywhere after all.
some even way too adorable & too obvious to miss.
hence, the next chapter (the 81st), in my humble opinion, already gave a perfect closure.