Yukionna to Kani wo Kuu

Jun 24, 2018
Fuuuck I know this is gonna have a sad ending but its so damn good
I really hope the author decides otherwise though, i'd love for it to somehow work out for these two ;-;
Mar 29, 2019
Why do people think she cucked her husband? It seems more likely she wants to die because he cucked her, she's merely returning the favor.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@pants And I was wondering why the rating was so high. It's standard smut. There are stories with flawed characters, and then there are stories that have nothing to them but flawed characters. This reads like the kind of soap opera that depressed suburban moms spend all their extra free time watching. What exactly do you think is good about it?
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
I happen to see a lot less tropes in this than I do in many manga on this site. Many have a higher rating despite having nothing but tropes and no substance beneath them. An examination of two flawed characters and their central conflicts is still much better than a monthly/weekly manga with no consistent narrative that only tries to keep people reading till the next issue. I don't think manga almost ever has much substance but I think this has more than average, and therefore should have a greater than average score which is around an 8(among popular weeklies) in my observation. Take out all the sex, and keep the dialogue and character development from those scenes, and it's a story of two suicidal individuals going on a roadtrip to their planned joint suicide. That premise alone is more than most smut, so to say that it's standard smut is a hyperbole imo. It's heavy drama like a soap, but that's not necessarily a bad thing and I see way less asspulls and injected drama. Are you just saying depressed suburban mom because one of the main characters is a depressed suburban wife?
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@pants If your argument is that other titles have an undeservedly high rating I won't dispute it, but I think you're being very generous when you call this an examination of conflicts. That's like calling a trope-filled isekai an examination of a neet's desires. There is nothing profound about the way this manga portrays depression/lust/etc. Granted, the fact that it takes itself seriously unlike most other titles makes it harder to discern exactly how shallow the content actually is. You arguing that it's more than smut because it's about depressed people going on a road trip strongly suggests to me that this is the mix-up you're having. You assume that serious = profound, but that premise isn't anything special and the manga would be incredibly dull without the sexual aspects.

I said depressed suburban moms like this shit because I grew up in a very religious suburban community and saw people obsessing over stuff just like this all the time. Many middle class mothers have empty cookie cutter lives and feel like they aren't accomplishing anything. Dramas do two things for them: it allows them to think "at least my life isn't that bad," but at the same time it allows them to fantasize about the bad things that happen. They can indulge in their desires while pretending they're above that shit.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
I think the road trip aspect is just to say that there is a clear story structure, a beginning and an end laid out in the exposition. From there each character also has their own personal conflicts laid out through non-obtuse development and their conflicts tie in clearly to the main narrative and there you already have more than the average smut. I disagree that this would be dull without the sexual aspects, and I don't think the manga is trying to examine lust at all really. It examines depression and insecurity and how those may be reflected in someone's sexuality, but this could easily be replaced with just dialogue scenes and still reflect each characters problems with intimacy. I think profoundness is in the eye of the observer, a proverb may be profound to one person and platitudinous to another. I don't think that saying this isn't an examination is very true at all. Each chapter(or so) has inner dialogue of the main character reflecting over their current situation, past, depression, relationship with the other main character, etc. This is rarely or never present in an isekai-ecchi-harem, and if it was then I would say that the isekai in question is "an examination of a neet's desires." But they don't have that kind of awareness, usually it's just pure trope filled escapism with no reflection on what the reader or main character's are desires are and why they might have them.
Whether or not this feels like a profound manga or contains substance is a moot point because as I previously said manga usually doesn't have much compared to a book or a movie and it's pretty much up to your own opinion. If you feel that the way the manga approach's it's themes is dull, empty, or a non-starter there's not much I can really say to convince you otherwise apart from what I've already said. My original point in the first place wasn't that this was a sexual 3 Days of Happiness, just that after reading the comments it's obvious that a lot of people weren't sitting right with the morality in question in this manga and were rating bombing it because of that. Look at how many 7-10's(which imo is an understandable rating for it so far) there are, and then how many 6-2's and 1's. Some people just can't stomach anything but harem/vanilla/escapism. I'd say depending on the person 4 through 10 would be reasonable with an appropriate rational, but there's a disproportionately fat amount of 1's from angry purists.
Aggregator gang
Oct 13, 2018
@pants A story structure is an incredibly low bar to set. https://mangadex.org/title/29672/ has a clear story and plenty of reflecting and is still very shallow and poorly written, and I could name a dozen titles just like it but it just happened to have a chapter today to remind me of how bad it was (and, by the way, it's funny that you call that genre escapism, because this is clearly escapism for depressed people). When you say "how those may be reflected in someone's sexuality," you mean their lust. They fucked as soon as they met, before they knew anything about each other, and even the author knows that people wouldn't care about this if it weren't for the sexual nature of the relationship, which is why he/she has included so much unnecessary fanservice.

The nature of a rating is that it's subjective, yet you're telling me both that it should have a higher rating and that subjective qualifiers are moot. This is a clear contradiction. You cannot discard any criticism as opinion and then criticize other titles based on your opinion in the same paragraph. You similarly dismiss the 10's as fine ratings but cannot possibly conceive of a reason to give this a 1. If you don't see this perspective as drowning in personal bias I have no idea what to tell you.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 23, 2018
Escapism is always for people unhappy with a certain element of their life, that's why their escaping from it(duh?). A story structure overarching a whole manga isn't a low bar to set if you've read manga for any span of time at all. I feel like I'm having to repeat myself at this point but manga very frequently function on a week to week writing schedule and therefore have no long-term planned story structure. Story structure along with character development and motivations that conflict is what makes this more than average to me. Lust is a desire for sex, it does not encompass all of sexuality. There's much more to sex and sexuality than pure desire and that kind of myopic view makes me believe that you don't really have the capacity to examine any of the themes in this manga with more depth than a puddle. You act like you know exactly what the author is intending with the sexual content but there is no possible way for you to know that, so I'm not sure why you even brought it up. The nature of rating is that it is indeed subjective to a point, the subjectivity should have a defensible rational that would stand to scrutiny, rating bombing it because you disagree with the themes in question is not defensible. That's like saying you can watch a foreign film and then give it a shit rating because you didn't understand the language. The difference between a 10 and a 1 is that I can see how someone could construct an argument for this being a 10 and I would maybe believe it, I see no way someone could construct an argument for this being a 1. People in the comments even admitted to rating bombing it because one of the characters was cheating, how is that a reasonable criteria for a rating? Just look at the valley of ratings between 7 and 1, how is that in any way shape or form not a clear indicator that the 1's are just angry purists? I'm not arguing subjective qualifiers are complete moot, just that clearly you don't seem to be open to accepting any argument that this has substance beyond sex, so a subjective analysis of themes is functionally moot point in the discussion. The only criticism you presented is that this has nothing beyond sex and I complete disagree, and have stated exactly what I see beyond the sexual elements. From what I've noticed, all you can see is the sexual elements so I don't think there's any common ground here to show you that there is more beyond them, you see literally nothing but boobies and penis here and I cannot make you see what you don't want to.
I'm done talking about this ad nauseam, this is a non-starter discussion imo. I've made it clear(even though it was already just by reading the comments) that this rating was bombed and I don't think it deserved it, but you can personally rate it what you want with whatever criteria you want, it's your prerogative. Spoilered cause this is lightly off-topic and in case I slipped plot elements or something
Mar 7, 2019
So thoughts so far as of Chapter 10. Please for the love of god let this have a happy ending. Please let her be a widow and whoever called her before was not her hubby. Please don’t let this all be a dream, please don’t tell me the protagonist is actually dead and what we are reading is a false sense of reality, please don’t let this be the flashbacks you see during death. I never comment on anything, but this NTR (If it can be called that since we don’t know anything as to if she really married or not) moves me more than a donut down a hill. I am rooting for the depressed Kita!
Sep 8, 2019
The manga itself? Fantastic. BUT, I could seriously do without the racist and offensive credits page by the uploader/scantilator.
Group Leader
Jan 21, 2018
The whiplash of reading a manga like this is incredible. This manga clouds your mind in a haze of depression and introspection. Jesus Christ, it's amazing. My only hope, for the sake of narrative closure, is that it ends with both of them hanging themselves, with either the chirping of cicadas or the crashing of waves in the background. This manga shouldn't end with a saccharine sweet ending like both of them learning to love life.
Jul 13, 2018
hey does it bother anyone else how absolutely fucked the interior dimensions of this SUV are

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