Yumenashi-sensei no Shinroshidou - Vol. 3 Ch. 22 - Aspiration: Nursery Teacher (part 2)

Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2020
just hug the kid, and
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
A shitty brat bit the teacher, huh. The way it looks...is she going to burn all the little humans in a big fire (lol)?! I'm not going to lie, these caregivers are taking it easy. Here where i live, there was one who tied a child to the toilet and closed the door, and another who was giving sleeping pills to an autistic child who screamed all the time and bit his classmates...if it were me, i would just change careers and become a caregiver for the elderly~:nyoron:💦
Thks for the translation~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Trust me when I say that an elderly person can be just as much a problem child as an actual child

Signed, a person with an abusive and racist grandparent going through dementia
But it's just ONE! I don't know how it is there, but here where i live (Brazil) you can choose who you work with and there is the option of working directly with the elderly person's family. I know several people working in this area and they all say that it is a "calm, peaceful or tedious" job, because here it is a "relatively expensive" service, and people only hire this type of service in two cases, "incapacitated elderly" and "elderly with absent family", so either they have mobility/speech/memory problems or they are lonely. So yes, it is better than working with children who are not tied to social norms or have not yet developed the knowledge of right and wrong (p.s. here in Brazil racism is a serious crime and this family would definitely have problems hiring someone lol)~ :pepehmm: 💨
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019

Dang i never had the impulse to bite a teacher or so (tho i was too busy trying to learn english i guess), but honestly i'm surprised more teachers didn't lose it if not more kids fighting amongst each other

I know a few teachers and early childhood educators who've seen kids throw giant wood blocks at other kids' heads so biting is not really that farfetched.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Coincidentally the Daughter of a colleague was supposed to stay in Japan for a year and help at a Kindergarden (guess kind of an au pair Job), she called her parents that if they wanted to visit her in Japan they should come now and then get her home afterwards, cause she couldn't stand how they handled the Kids there.

I don't think it was outright abuse, just a general difference in how to handle Kids. Like ignore them when they cry and stuff like that. Of course I only know vague details 3rd hand from the Dad.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Here come the best part, child abuse!
And here comes the dilemma. Is it abuse or discipline? The older teacher is clearly a good one because kids listen to her. The husband made a good point. Did she go overboard sometimes? Maybe. But overall she did a good job. We need to remember every kids are different. One method won't work the same with all of them. Especially if their parents neglected in disciplining them.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
Children is such a pain...I get why birthrate is declining...taking care of that sort of demon would require every mental strength you have. But doing that in this economy where you're stressed everyday just to survive just not doable

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