Trust me when I say that an elderly person can be just as much a problem child as an actual childIf it were me, i would just change careers and become a caregiver for the elderly~
But it's just ONE! I don't know how it is there, but here where i live (Brazil) you can choose who you work with and there is the option of working directly with the elderly person's family. I know several people working in this area and they all say that it is a "calm, peaceful or tedious" job, because here it is a "relatively expensive" service, and people only hire this type of service in two cases, "incapacitated elderly" and "elderly with absent family", so either they have mobility/speech/memory problems or they are lonely. So yes, it is better than working with children who are not tied to social norms or have not yet developed the knowledge of right and wrong (p.s. here in Brazil racism is a serious crime and this family would definitely have problems hiring someone lol)~Trust me when I say that an elderly person can be just as much a problem child as an actual child
Signed, a person with an abusive and racist grandparent going through dementia
Dang i never had the impulse to bite a teacher or so (tho i was too busy trying to learn english i guess), but honestly i'm surprised more teachers didn't lose it if not more kids fighting amongst each other
Oh man, that was a good laugh. Thanks for the greentext!The biting thing made me think of this
And here comes the dilemma. Is it abuse or discipline? The older teacher is clearly a good one because kids listen to her. The husband made a good point. Did she go overboard sometimes? Maybe. But overall she did a good job. We need to remember every kids are different. One method won't work the same with all of them. Especially if their parents neglected in disciplining them.Here come the best part, child abuse!