Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san - Vol. 24 Ch. 209 - Yuragi Inn's Yuuna-san

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 6, 2019
Yup, it need end. It took too long for just nothing
It should end sooner, I rather have it end before not like this end, too stiff
Jan 29, 2018
And they got married.

Interesting manga. Started it in 2017, by accident, stayed for the end. Almost thought it would be like One Piece and go on and on.

Unlike most harem manga, at least SOMEONE made up their mind...
Aggregator gang
Apr 27, 2020
So basically Ouga is the real winner but Miura is a hack (if at the end of teh day ghost can marry humans and koga can overload her regrets despite her manipulating every character that means that Ouga coudl also have a second opportunity as Kogarashi's wife, and she saved the spiritual world so she deserves that)
Active member
Apr 8, 2018
I'm somehow not actually mad that it didn't end as a harem, or even that Yuuna won. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I actually had a favorite girl in this manga. Maybe it was Hibari and I just... gave up on that being a possibility long ago.

The only thing that upsets me is how Oboro suddenly became anti-harem.
Active member
Apr 8, 2018
And I know I'm late but wow, I can't believe this whole thing was just an elaborate dating sim this whole time. Yuuna really spent the last month of her life trying to find out how to beat a game, rage quit over the Nothing Happens Good End, died, and her regret over not having her happy end turned her into a ghost. In retrospect, this ending is hilarious.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2020
So... in a roundabout manner, Yuuna was an evil spirit all along. Just a mostly harmless one.

All along, she was the puppetmaster.

Final score: 7-1/10 (The minus 1 is because Byakuei or whatever his name was got a happy ending that he didn't deserve.)
Ryuusen should have put him in a dream of eternal torment just before he died, since time passes slower in dream, he'd spend the remainder of his existence being tormented by his failure.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2019
Pacing towards the ending was great but that jump to marriage was too fast. Overall this was one of a good harem manga when mc actually chose and even other were not left completely unsatisfied aka dream Kogarashi.
A long but fulfilling right. Yuuna probably staying till mc dies and then on to spirit world together?
I think they can still have kids like this.


Apr 3, 2020
Lol thanks for pointing that out
Yuuna wears the same shit so I thought it was the same
Fucking kill me
now I remember that damn comment I made
Sep 26, 2018
@bluethings that is how I felt as well lol. Had serious flashbacks to playing VN and stuff, getting all the endings. The manga was... interesting. Glad I stuck through it.
Mar 27, 2020
... So unsurprisingly, Chisaki contributed absolutely nothing to the ending, being a useless +1 like she was for the entire manga...
...... and Oboro redacts her support for the harem plan as though it were natural to take back good ideas and opt on the side of stupid shit.

I think both of them were joint worst girl all along for totally different reasons. Oboro was the "epic fail" worst girl, while Chisaki was the "completely pointless and useless" worst girl.

Well whatever. Protag married his ghost, as was highly likely all along.... and everyone else just has to move on with their lives.

@VenomousTriangle2576 : That isn't how ratings out of 10 are supposed to work. 10 is absolute perfection... i.e. the best a manga can be. "The ending was anticlimactic" should automatically disqualify something from a perfect score. It isn't supposed to be thrown around so frivolously. There is already a rating for "Good". If I rightly recall, it is 6/10. That isn't a failure. That is supposed to be above average.
Most manga I like get between 6 and 8.
I think I'll give this one a 5, personally. It had its ups and downs, but the good bits seemed equally balanced with the fuckin stupid bits.
Dec 15, 2019
@ SotiCoto i kinda agree with some of your point so I give it yuragi sou a 7 or 6 cuz the manga got a bit up and down after reread the manga. For me best girl is Chisaki and Hibari I dont really like Oboro and Hiougi

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