what are your views on incest and ppl getting arrested coz of it?

Sep 17, 2018
First we have to ask why is it illegal in the first place.

Is it because of genetic disorders? If so we should ban people with all kinds of physical and mental disorders from reproducing as well as interracial couples, since it increases the chance of the child having disabilities too, and usually by a lot more than incest. Is it because it's taboo? Well then homosexuality was also taboo and illegal (and still is in a lot of countries).

Anyways, I'm of the school of thought that it's only bad if it's between parent and children, seeing as the parents can abuse their position quite easily if they are perverts. It's chill if it's siblings or cousins, in fact I fucked my second degree cousin once and it was just like any other relationship (it's also legal๐Ÿ˜‰).
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2020
If you're doing it in your own culture with its own moral and customs, why bother asking?

Don't just throw away your identity, coming from a long history and sacrifice of millions of people, just because you're entering the internet, or learning English, or both.

Though, genetically, there are, uhh, *things* that are readily proven by lots of scientific data. So whether or not you choose to burden the next generation with the high risk of genetical disorder is up to you.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2021
If you're doing it in your own culture with its own moral and customs, why bother asking?

King Gezo begged the british not to ban them from slavery in 1840 since it was integral to their economy and culture. the british agreed to pay them so their economy would not collapse but still outlawed it. Dahomey/Benin eventually returned to it anyway because it was important to their culture. his son, Glele, returned to the slave trade even though there was no longer any money to be had since most of the civilized world now outlawed the practice.

just because a culture has its own morals and customs doesnt mean we shouldnt ask "hey isnt that kinda evil?". not all cultures are equal and one needs to question if they should change their culture or surrender it
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
honestly i'm confused
i'm from india and it is ok in here to marry your cousin(by cousin i mean child of your father's sister or child of your mother's brother)
and in some cases your elder sister's daughter.if there is not much of an age gap and given you are the last son of your family(usally people had 10~14 kids in olden times so there would not be an much age difference) by tradition
so i'm really confused when i found out these are considered incest at all and it is banned and could get you arrested
i mean i get the banned part but arrest..really?..
this is the age where homosexuality gets legalized saying "both parties are adult and they can choose what they want"
why won't incest get legalized too..it's not like anyone suddenly would do it as the society already see it as disguising thing

but yea it is my view on it... what are your opinions on incest (1st and 2nd degree)
Incest in anime/manga: Ah that's hot
Incest in reality: WTF???

Also I feel that the least worst incest is either wearing protection or just doing anal/blowjobs
Jan 29, 2023
I don't like the idea personally speaking. Logically, the risk of creating birth defects/problems through incest is not worth it. Therefore I think it should not be allowed and should continue to be viewed as a taboo. Only my opinion though.

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