Dorei kara no Kitai to Hyouka no sei de Sakushu dekinai no daga - Ch. 6

Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2018
Actually that kind of makes sense in a fucked up way. A disabled guy is useless for labor so they don't bother with or if he has knowledge he would be expensive. A disabled girl is kind of useless since healing would probably be a bit more expensive for their price. So you can just sell them pretty cheaply while still disabled to people with sick fetishes', kind people who want to help or people who will use the girls for experiments.

Why did I spend 25 minutes thinking bout the price of disabled slaves????
Nuggy-wuggy wants a huggy
Dex-chan lover
Oct 24, 2023
ah yes the female member that always try to seduce the mc openly
Jan 23, 2018
Fused the picture

Mar 7, 2023
Disturbingly I keep thinking because they are all disabled and since disabled guys would have been already been dead or killed. Only the girls would have any chance of being sold .

Or she specifically chose the girls because of prejudice
hmm the first theory of you would make sense, the second on the other hand... I don't think she thinks of men less than of females, the Only thing that would make sense is that she maybe thinks the males could be problematic to work with but I find it more realistic to believe that they actually killed all the disabled males
Mar 7, 2023
I guess it's because they're immortal. If you live for hundreds/thousands of years eventually you're gonna get in some horrible accident/battle/whatever and apparently no one in this world except this dude can heal these kinds of injuries. Then they either get sold as slaves by their villages because they're seen as burdens or captured by slavers because they can't defend themselves.
now I see your point but it was also stated that there are other people with the same skill as MC they just are really rare and expensive to hire. Still it would make sense if you are correct with the cause they are Immortal at some point they will be sold. But considering there are other healers with the same skill as MC it makes that theory far less likely, since every elven or dwarven village/country would always have some healers for cases like this then, considering only one or maybe two accidents like these happen per year in such a country (if there were more they would either need a high birthrate, which would overpopulate the continent quite fast, or they would just simply die out cause to many deaths, considering there are probably more deaths then accidents like these)
So I think its unreasonable to have so many slaves from such races as long as there isn't some war going on in a nearby area
Mar 7, 2023
Overlord is just above average.

This one is silver, still silver.
wait like did you just call overlord worse than this? Bro this is like pure cliche with an MC that has only one Plus and that is that his thoughs are not like other cliches but are actually quite refreshing, although his actions are above average at best considering Uiqueness. Anyway you just compared this, THIS to overlord stating this is better than overlord. Bro no this one is not even close to Overlord, its also not trying to be close to overlord, this one focuses on fanservice and lighthearted fantasy, Overlord is dark fantasy with kingdom build and even tough it also has Jokes and Fanservice these are not the focus.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2023
hmm the first theory of you would make sense, the second on the other hand... I don't think she thinks of men less than of females, the Only thing that would make sense is that she maybe thinks the males could be problematic to work with but I find it more realistic to believe that they actually killed all the disabled males
She been a slave and most of slave hunters and traders are men and the buyers tend to be perverts so it is possible that she developed such prejudice. In short , she is exposed to the worst kind of men so it possible to developed such preconceptions.
Mar 7, 2023
She been a slave and most of slave hunters and traders are men and the buyers tend to be perverts so it is possible that she developed such prejudice. In short , she is exposed to the worst kind of men so it possible to developed such preconceptions.
yeah that would work but you forgett that she is an Elve and the once that Kidnapped her are Probably all human (We don't have much information on that but neither do we have any information on the ratio of male to female slave traders/hunters so lets just go with the usual way for the Arguments sake). So she would probably think of Humans as Despicable or maybe human males as Despicable, but male Elves? She shouldn't really discriminate against them. So another explanation for both why we got so many gravely injured female elves but no Males would be that the Males are the Warriors and fight till death while the Females run away or hide making it more likely that they get hurt in the process of getting hunted down (or if for example their burning hud Collapses on them) than the Males since they are more likely to die.

Another theory I have would be that the Males are used in mines or wars as expendable soldiers/Workers while the Females are traded as Sex Slaves, and cause all the nobles are perverted fucks, they basically turned the Slaves into a huge mess before giving them back to the Slave trader.

Anyway at the end all these theories are just that, theories and they are also quite unlikely considering the Ratio it would need (Like not even one male on 20 or more females?). So I guess the author will never come up with an explanation and although its unsatisfying its probably just a plot hole for fanservice reasons
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2023
yeah that would work but you forgett that she is an Elve and the once that Kidnapped her are Probably all human (We don't have much information on that but neither do we have any information on the ratio of male to female slave traders/hunters so lets just go with the usual way for the Arguments sake). So she would probably think of Humans as Despicable or maybe human males as Despicable, but male Elves? She shouldn't really discriminate against them. So another explanation for both why we got so many gravely injured female elves but no Males would be that the Males are the Warriors and fight till death while the Females run away or hide making it more likely that they get hurt in the process of getting hunted down (or if for example their burning hud Collapses on them) than the Males since they are more likely to die.

Another theory I have would be that the Males are used in mines or wars as expendable soldiers/Workers while the Females are traded as Sex Slaves, and cause all the nobles are perverted fucks, they basically turned the Slaves into a huge mess before giving them back to the Slave trader.

Anyway at the end all these theories are just that, theories and they are also quite unlikely considering the Ratio it would need (Like not even one male on 20 or more females?). So I guess the author will never come up with an explanation and although its unsatisfying its probably just a plot hole for fanservice reasons
Yeah, I agree, it is merely theories.
Double-page supporter
Oct 18, 2023
I've just binge-read everything that was available. Thank you for the translations
That being said, this MC and his perspective are awful to read thru. A whole series where the plot is based solely on characters misunderstanding each other as a result of being a naive (or in the case of the MC-kun, neurotic) just hurt my brain. It's played off for comedy, and I get it, but misunderstanding has a small threshold of being funny. After 2 chapters, it's not funny. And any hope of clearing the misunderstanding is often use a some way to mess with readers (a tactic use in romcoms to better effect). I'm sorry, I'm just exhausted from these MC-kuns of this type.

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