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  1. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 40 Ch. 434 - The Straying Resolution

    Kaji's giving Baku motivation! What a long way he's come from the start of the manga. I like the touch of the onlookers guessing all sorts of random things, but Nowa and Yakou being fully silent. I can't help but think the two of them also managed to figure out what the cards represent.
  2. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 40 Ch. 433 - Safe Zone

    The cards Takumi's got at least confirms some of our speculations from last chapter, having a 4 of a kind that sums up to 36, and a straight that sums to 15. Whether or not any of the other things holds true is yet to be seen though. I wonder what mistake Baku already made.
  3. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 40 Ch. 432 - The First Round

    @Takoshi Damn, that's a really good observation! I think I definitely agree with you on it, especially because I've never seen a poker game that didn't involve actual playing cards. If we go with your logic, there may be a few more things that can be explained.
  4. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 40 Ch. 432 - The First Round

    @Lithe You're right, I was going off what Nowa said last chapter rather than the ruling conditions. In that case it's a tricky loophole that would be a risk to gamble on. @Niccu That's far too heavy of a (dis)advantage for Baku, because either way you take it from there, only one of the players...
  5. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 40 Ch. 432 - The First Round

    The upcoming matches will be influenced by the order of the cards? I'm going to assume that means the cards don't have a static value, but change depending on when they get played. I don't think it's as simple as a case of high card or low card wins. @JoebRogers If I understand, you're saying...
  6. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 40 Ch. 429 - An Island For Outsourcing

    @sakasd As Rooster already said, you have to keep raising, or call once the cards are down. Kakerou will definitely put in place rules that prevent a timeout sort of defeat. @RangoBongo @BossCrab Baku's constitution sucks because he had gills this whole time, this match is the freest victory...
  7. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 428 - The Man Who Won't Run Away

    Feel like I've said this so many times recently, but that double spread of Baku and his allies is so good! No Cameo though, rip that guy. I love how Baku considers the line cheesy when saying it to Kyara in 402, and then turns around and says it to Lalo completely seriously.
  8. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 427 - Prison Of Peace

    @Lithe It's probably the author trying to set in stone to the readers that Lalo is doing all of this out of desperation rather than as a plan, to make it all the more of a shocking reveal when it's established he does have a way to win still. @BossCrab It feels like we see Baku as more and more...
  9. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 427 - Prison Of Peace

    @LuffyKun We never saw it, but Cameo heavily implied it in chapter 420.
  10. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 427 - Prison Of Peace

    Oh man, both of the Baku panels are so good this chapter! This time, we're stopping on a double cliffhanger, with Baku vs. Lalo and Hal vs. Fukurou looming. Can't wait for the next batch! As ever, thanks for the translations, Team Duwang.
  11. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 426 - What He Swore To Protect

    @koko52420181 Good point, don't know how I missed that. That is only the case if he also gets Champ's vest though, so I wonder if he'll also somehow manage to capture Champ before finally facing off against Baku.
  12. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 426 - What He Swore To Protect

    @BossCrab So Lalo's just doing his damnedest to play spoiler? Yeah, I can agree with that opinion. I wonder if we're going to have a Hal vs. Fukurou match before Baku vs. Lalo. Seems like it'll be hard to incorporate it given what the game has to be over.
  13. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 425 - Proof Of Social Order

    @299792458 Honestly with everything we've seen in the arc up until this point, I think Hal is earnestly aiming to make Baku win the Ban above anything else. He's clearly established that Kakerou, and himself, will follow all rules expected of them, which means he will completely act as an ally...
  14. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 426 - What He Swore To Protect

    @BossCrab Even that wouldn't work for him, the only thing it would guarantee is that Baku loses the Ban. Unless Lalo changes the fundamental rules of the game, in the way he's attempting right now, he can not win the Ban. What Hal just did with the bet regarding the mob would have guaranteed...
  15. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 421 - Conflagration

    @the9813 Tatsuki would be able to tell you all about that, if you can see him in your nightmares, anyway. Seems we were spot on with the mistaken corpse idea. @Saxifraga great catch with the damaged hand, I didn't even register that it was the same hand Yakou was damaged in already, that really...
  16. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 420 - Island Of Judgement

    Break Yakou's bones and he'll beat you with those broken bones. Case in point: Bai Long and Tatsuki. Baku came up with a good strategy to get that guy off of him very fast. It's a shame that Cameo did what he did and ended up caught by the explosion too. Most likely Ryuusei's been caught by...
  17. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 419 - Each One's Nightmare

    @Fusha That's an interesting take on it. Maybe even the scene we saw in ch. 400 was part of that nightmare, given what Tatsuki had said this chapter. @nhattminhh I don't think Hana has anything to do with Kyara's strength. I do think that Hana may have watched over him, making sure Bai Long...
  18. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 419 - Each One's Nightmare

    So Hana really was Ying after all. Interesting that her surname is what led to the title of Ying. Bai Long's nightmare being that Hana cannot defeat him is an interesting one. Seems this scene is something of a flash forward too. Baku was the first to come to and he's already outside of the...
  19. Veshv

    Usogui - Vol. 39 Ch. 418 - The Zero, The Dragon

    As far as this arc in particular goes, everything was at the least hinted at as a possibility. The only thing that didn't feel as directly hinted at was Lalo's actual plot for becoming the Kaiser with the armor, and that can be chalked up to the author not wanting to directly spell it out in Ch...